VMware ESXi 启动时提示引导错误: bank6 not a vmware boot bank no hypervisor found 大概中文意思是:不是VMware引导槽.找不到管理程序. 网上看到https://communities.vmware.com/thread/429698 有网友解答说,(大概意思是说)出现这种错误的原因可能是删除分区的字符会导致GPT修改. 才想起重启前,在PE下转移硬盘数据,因为ESXi的分区比较多,看着碍眼手贱删掉了2个分区的字符.... 再看ht…
vmware虚拟机centos网络配置错误,执行/etc/init.d/network start 或 restart 提示Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring 解决方法: 执行:grep -rHi eth0 /etc/udev/rules.d/ It will probably show you a file that has a udev rewrite rule for the eth0 and has…