Yeah I know, there’s SetCPU app for under/over clocking CPU but it cannot be used to scale up or down when specific apps are launched or during a certain time period. So here’s…
Here is My code snippet: Uri mUri = Uri.parse("smsto:+9876543210"); Intent mIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, mUri); mIntent.setPackage("com.whatsapp"); mIntent.putExtra("sms_body", "The text goes here"); mI…
#!/bin/bash for ((i=1; i<16; i++)); do sysbench cpu run --cpu-max-prime=10000 --threads=4 --time=60 > ${i}.sysbench done sb_result=sysbench_result touch ${sb_result} for ((i=1; i<16; i++)); do cat ${i}.sysbench |grep second|awk -F ':' '{print $2}…
网上sysbench教材众多,但没有一篇中文教材对cpu测试参数和结果进行详解. 本文旨在能够让读者对sysbench的cpu有一定了解. 小慢哥的原创文章,欢迎转载 1.sysbench基础知识 sysbench的cpu测试是在指定时间内,循环进行素数计算 素数(也叫质数)就是从1开始的自然数中,无法被整除的数,比如2.等.编程公式:对正整数n,如果用2到根号n之间的所有整数去除,均无法整除,则n为素数. 2.sysbench安装 # CentOS7下可使用yum安…
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is related to computing systems, and more particularly to a system and method for adjusting to changes in processor performance. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Designers of mobile computing platforms are faced wit…
环境: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 On RHEL4: configure the cpu speed to run at MAX speed all the time by adding the following parameter into the file /etc/cpuspeed.conf and…
1)环境机器品牌:DELL  型号:R620配置:32核 * 1/256 GB*1/300 GB*4() + 1200 GB*2() 系统版本:CentOSLinux release 7.2.1511 2)问题描述业务问题:查看CPU模式,并修改为高性能模式. 3)分析解决处理过程 Ø  下载tuned工具:wget Ø  安装…
1.sysbench基础知识 sysbench的cpu测试是在指定时间内,循环进行素数计算 素数(也叫质数)就是从1开始的自然数中,无法被整除的数,比如2.等.编程公式:对正整数n,如果用2到根号n之间的所有整数去除,均无法整除,则n为素数. 2.sysbench安装 # CentOS7下可使用yum安装 yum install sysbench 3.CPU压测命令 # 默认参数,素数上限10000,时间10秒,单线程 sysbench cpu run 4.常用参数…
{     "listconfigurationsresponse": {         "count": 305,         "configuration": [{             "category": "Advanced",             "name": "account.cleanup.interval",             &…
转自conky 配置变量表 项目主页: 文档说明: Variable Arguments () = optional Explanation acpiacadapter (adapter) ACPI ac adapter state. On linux, the adapter option specifies the subfolder of /sys/clas…