Better use @extend with % placeholder. Extend is useful when you want to reuse some of you class. Always use % placeholder. EXTEND I It looks like .blueprint and .surveyor have a number of matching properties. Add an @extendto .surveyor to make this…
When to use MIXIN? Better way to use MIXIN is when you deal with browser prefiex, for example: @mixin transition($val...){ -webkit-transition: $val; -moz-transition: $val; transition: $val; } Because when you use mixin, actually you just copy the mix…
Sass是什么? Sass是"Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets"的简称.那么他是什么?其实没有必要太过于纠结,只要知道他是“CSS预处理器”中的一种即可,简单点说,Sass就是“CSS预处理器”,你可以称其是工具或者是语言.如果你实在想知道他是什么?可以看Sass官网上的一段描述. Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It all…