--定义包中函数的纯度级别 create or replace package purityTest is type dept_typ is table of dept%rowtype index by binary_integer; dept_tab dept_typ; procedure newdept( p_deptno dept.deptno%type, p_dname dept.dname%type, p_loc dept.loc%type ); function getraiseds…
最近在卸载VirtualBox出现了无法卸载的错误.提示为Failed to install the extension. The installer failed with exit code 1: VBoxExtPackHelperApp.exe: error: Failed to rename the extension pack directory: VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. 而且也无法再次成功安装.本文是对此给出的描述及其解决办法. 1.故障描述 环境:Windows…
文章出处:http://blog.csdn.net/leshami/article/details/9232229 最近在卸载VirtualBox出现了无法卸载的错误.提示为Failed to install the extension. The installer failed with exit code 1: VBoxExtPackHelperApp.exe: error: Failed to rename the extension pack directory: VERR_ALREAD…
今天学习了一下oracle的包的写法,然后碰到这么个问题.包声明和包主体都正确,但是就是执行报错:object omgmig.test_package is invalid. 这是会报错的sql,看起来都正常对吧..但是就是会报错 --包声明 create package omgmig.test_package as procedure show1; end omgmig.test_package; --包体 create package body omgmig.test_package as…