第一章虽然感觉不像是个习题.但是我还是认真去做,去想,仅此而已! 练习 1-1 Run the "hello, world" program on your system. Experiment with leaving out parts of the program, to see what error messages you get. #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { print…
The C Programming language notes 一 基础变量类型.运算符和判断循环 char 字符型 character --> char c = '\n' ; [ASCII码 0-255] short int long 整数形 interger --> int num = 120;[ unsigned 无符号表示] float double …
这一章习题做着很舒服,毕竟很简单.所以很有感觉. 练习 2-1 Write a program to determine the ranges of char , short , int , and long variables, both signed and unsigned , by printing appropriate values from standard headers and by direct computation. Harder if you compute them:…
#2.2_编写一个简单的程序 项目1: 设计:radius=20,求面积area? 程序: radius=20 #给变量radius复制area=radius*radius*3.14159 #编写area的表达式,给area赋值print(area) #输出area的值,area的值是1256.636print("The area for the circle of radius",radius,"is",area)#在双引号内的文字是直接被读取的,不用双引号包含住…
2.1 程序: Celsius=eval(input("Enter a degree in Celsius:"))#输入摄氏度的值Celsiusfahrenheit =(9/5)*Celsius + 32 #定义华氏温度fahrenheitprint(Celsius,"Celsius is",fahrenheit,"Fahrenheit") 结果: Enter a degree in Celsius:4343 Celsius is 109.4 F…