1. 背景 最近在读<Java concurrency in practice>(Java并发实战),其中1.4节提到了Java web的线程安全问题时有如下一段话: Servlets and JPSs, as well as servlet filters and objects stored in scoped containers like ServletContext and HttpSession, simply have to be thread-safe. Servlet, JS…
Everything Is an Object You manipulate objects with references Each programming language has its own means of manipulating elements in memory. Are you manipulating the element directly, or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation (a…
<C++ Primer 4th>读书笔记 在 C++ 中,用类来定义自己的抽象数据类型(abstract data types).通过定义类型来对应所要解决的问题中的各种概念.最简单地说,类就是定义了一个新的类型和一个新作用域. 所有成员必须在类的内部声明,一旦类定义完成后,就没有任何方式可以增加成员了. 构造函数一般就使用一个构造函数初始化列表,来初始化对象的数据成员: // default constructor needed to initialize members of built-…
How to setup Darwin Streaming Server 6.0.3 on 32 or 64 bit Linux platforms, add custom functionality by developing plugins ("modules" as Apple calls them), and results of some performance and load tests I ran TAG: DSS Darwin St…
今天给大家分享一下C#语法糖的简单的两个知识点吧. 自动属性:在 C# 4.0 和更高版本中,当属性的访问器中不需要其他逻辑时,自动实现的属性可使属性声明更加简洁. 客户端代码还可通过这些属性创建对象. get and set accessors." id="mt3">如下面的示例所示声明属性时,编译器将创建一个私有的匿名支持字段,该字段只能通过属性的 get 和 set 访问器进行访问. 我们C#4.0以前的传统方式的属性是用来封装字段的,这里我简单的对比一下这两种方…
Tempo 2.0 Tempo is an easy, intuitive JavaScript rendering engine that enables you to craft data templates in pure HTML. Why use Tempo? Clear separation of concerns: no HTML in your JavaScript files, and no JavaScript in your HTML Makes working with…
JavaScript, at its base, is a simple language that we continue to evolve with intelligent, flexible patterns. We've used those patterns in JavaScript frameworks which fuel our web applications today. Lost in JavaScript framework usage, which many n…
Posted by Shiv Kumar on 23rd February, 2011 The Asynchronous Programming Model (or APM) has been around since .NET 1.1 and is still (as of .NET 4.0) the best/recommended solution for asynchronous I/O. Many people go down the route of using a multi-th…
转自:https://container-solutions.com/write-terraform-provider-part-1/ This is the first part of a series of blog posts that explain how to write Terraform providers. Before we start I would like to state that this article asumes a couple of things from…