
下面为获奖人员 王志恒一等奖 姜云飞.任子仪二等奖 田正相,庄棫麟,陈德昊三等奖.…
作为一名合格的项目经理 一到年末,我们的头等大事就来了 那就是写项目年终总结和计划 但是………初入这行的项目经理有点犯难,因为 不 会 写   不用怕,小编送你年终总结秘籍和好看的PPT模板 先来看秘籍吧:   秘籍: 1.要点一:篇幅要够长 2.要点二:套话不可少 3.要点三:数据要直观 4.要点四:用好序列号 要点一:篇幅要够长 辛辛苦苦干了一年,业绩如何,关键就看这“总结”的分量.如有字数限制还好,可以照“封顶值”去写.如果没有字数限制可就有点麻烦了,要留心打听一下其它同级单位的篇幅有多长…
Problem A: The 3n + 1 problem Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 14  Solved: 6[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Consider the following algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers. Start with an integer n. If n is even, divide by 2. I…
Problem A: Jolly Jumpers Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 10  Solved: 4[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description A sequence of n > 0 integers is called a jolly jumper if the absolute values of the differences between successive elements ta…
Problem G: Check The Check Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 10  Solved: 3[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Your task is to write a program that reads a chessboard configuration and identifies whether a king is under attack (in chec…
Problem C: The Trip Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 19  Solved: 3[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description The Trip A group of students are members of a club that travels annually to different locations. Their destinations in the past hav…
Problem E: Graphical Editor Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 2  Solved: 2[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Graphical editors such as Photoshop allow us to alter bit-mapped images in the same way that text editors allow us to modify…
Problem D: LC-Display Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 14  Solved: 3[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description A friend of yours has just bought a new computer. Before this, the most powerful machine he ever used was a pocket calculator. He…
Problem B: Minesweeper Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 29  Solved: 7[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Minesweeper Have you ever played Minesweeper? This cute little game comes with a certain operating system whose name we can't re…
在座哪位小朋友的C盘已经红了,举个手让我看看! 嗯......还真不少啊! 经常做PPT的同学已经开始抱怨了:领导给的图片一张就10M起,一个PPT里面百来张图,文件大小都快1个G了. 如果是文秘岗,来几个这样的大PPT,就足够让C盘飘红了. 教程 ▽▽▽ 01. 我们选中图片.在上方的[图片格式]选项卡中找到[压缩图片], 将[仅应用于此图片]取消勾选. 02. 再选择下方的[适用于网页和投影仪]的选项,这样图片就被压缩了,PPT文件也变小了. 你学会了吗?…