Alt+Enter Maximizes the emulator. Ctrl+F11 Changes the orientation of the emulator from landscape to portrait and vice versa. F8 Turns the network on and off. During the creation of an emulator you can choose if you either want Snapshot or Use Host G…
Visual Studio Emulator for Android已经推出一段时间了,但一直没有用过.前两天下载安装用了下,整体感觉比谷歌自带的模拟器强多了.Visual Studio Emulator for Android沿袭了windows phone模拟器的优良传统,流畅程度和真机差不多. 下面是安装和使用的一些记录 1.安装前需要先启用Hyper-V,这个和windows phone 8 模拟器的要求一样.首先需要确认一下电脑是否支持Hyper-V,如果是intel的CPU至少需要是…
RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance No doubt, OneNote is yet another useful component of Microsoft‘ productivity suite aka Office. Using OneNote, you can easily clip your immediate notes. For this to be worke…
昨天一不小心误删了xamarin 开发环境下的虚拟设备网络设备.名称为:vEthernet(internal Ethernet Port Windows Phone Emulator).导致原来能正确运行的代码已经无法通过编辑,提示了12个错误出来,而且是无法导航到具体错误的方式.查资料无法找到相关方法.后来在查看错误的时候发现有个叫FIPS 验证的加密算法的东西,接着尝试的原则实验后发现解决,问题.现记录如下: windoows客户端程序在中文win7操作系统上安装正常,在一台英文win7操作… To initialize the storage emulator Click the Start button or press the Windows key. Begin typing Windows Azure Storage Emulator and select it when it appears. A command prompt window will po…
Visual Studio 2013安装了Windows Azure SDK 2.7,但启动Emulator调试时,出现如下错误: Error: The installed Windows Azure Emulator does not support the role binaries. Please install the latest Windows Azure Emulator and try again. Windows Azure Tools: The system is missi…
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!Please ensure Intel is properly installed and usable.CPU acceleration status: HAX keHAXMrnel module is not installed! Android Studio 1.0 已经放出来了,以后的Android平台开发激昂逐步从Eclipse向Androi…
emulator: ERROR: Unable to load VM from snapshot. The snapshot has been saved for a different hardware configuration. 模拟器:错误:无法从虚拟机上加载快照,快照已被保存为一个不同的硬件配置.(存档错误无法读取) 解决办法: Android Virtual Device Manager -> delete AVD -> new AVD 重新创建个AVD,解决.…
在64位的Ubuntu下,安装ADT64位的,打开android模拟器出现以下报错: Starting emulator for AVD 'Android' Failed to start emulator: Cannot run program "/home/mohemi/Program/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130729/sdk//tools/emulator": error=2, 没有那个文件或目录! 解决办法是: 由于是64bit的系统,而Andr… The Goal To produce a to…
最近在打开Android emulator时,总会提示“Emulator window was out of view and was recentred ”,然后无法打开模拟器,但是可以使用Win7的透视功能看到,就是无法打开显示在界面上.上网查找了一下,大致解决方案如下: 翻译自网站: 如果你遇到类似下面的错误: Emulator window was out of view and was recentredEmulator] WARNIN…
问题概述: 在启动Android模拟器时出现以下错误,导致启动失败. ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting. 原因: 系统判断你当前已经启动了另外一个emulator,可能是某些正常操作或异常退出造成的. 解决方法: 进入你avd目录下: 如:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.android\avd\android2.3.avd 删除以lock结尾的文件夹.…