select r.ring_buffer_address, r.ring_buffer_type, dateadd (ms, r.[timestamp] - sysinfo.sqlserver_start_time_ms_ticks, sysinfo.sqlserver_start_time) as record_time, cast(r.record as xml) record from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers r cross join sys.dm_os_sys_in… I have tagged many of the better forum threads. 'Better' is based on how good I thing the answer was. (<bias> I wrote many, but not all, of the better answers. </bias>) -- Rick James, MySQL Geek The Best of t…
How to get current timestamps in Java Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());//2016-11-16 06:43:19.77 Here are two Java examples to show you how to get current timestamps in Java. (Updated with Java 8) 1. java.sql.TimestampTw…
You are given several logs that each log contains a unique id and timestamp. Timestamp is a string that has the following format: Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Second, for example, 2017:01:01:23:59:59. All domains are zero-padded decimal numbers. Design…
用户在使用中,可能会用到基于函数的索引,但是函数是非 immutable 类型的,导致函数索引无法创建.如: test=# create index ind_t1 on t1(to_char(create_date,'yyyy-mm')); ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE 这里我们先看下函数的类型: test=# \df+ to_char List of functions Schema | Name |…