Good Numbers Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 428 Accepted Submission(s): 149 Problem Description If we sum up every digit of a number and the result can be exactly divided by…
Round Numbers Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6983 Accepted: 2384 Description The cows, as you know, have no fingers or thumbs and thus are unable to play Scissors, Paper, Stone' (also known as 'Rock, Paper, Scissors',…
Unity之生成梯子算法的实现. 1.通过预制物体动态生成角度可设置的梯子形状. 1.1 主要涉及到的数学知识点,角度与弧度的转化. 弧度=角度乘以π后再除以180 角度=弧度除以π再乘以180 1.2 三角函数 在这里只使用正切函数tan,简单的推理逻辑如下: 2.1下面开始看代码了padelCreate.cs using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class padelCreate : MonoBehaviour {…
POJ 2296 Map Labeler / ZOJ 2493 Map Labeler / HIT 2369 Map Labeler / UVAlive 2973 Map Labeler(2-sat 二分) Description Map generation is a difficult task in cartography. A vital part of such task is automatic labeling of the cities in a map; where for e…
向别人学习一波,记点流水帐.17.5.29开坑. 5.29 早晨看了道据说是树状数组优化DP的题(hdu5542),然后脑补了一个复杂度500^3的meet in the middle.然后死T...弃疗. 上午考试有一道sb线段树和一道简单数位DP.还有一道是毕姥爷在WC讲的"超立方体".对着数据范围的表格写了半天部分分然后你告诉我测试数据和这个数据范围根本不一样? 并不会FWT,又因为不太想学新算法,就决定不改题了. 下午先把某个课件的坑填完了.然后在bzoj上乱逛. 决定写写SD…
Language learning 自然语言学习 Facebook’s New York office is a three-minute stroll up Broadway from LeCun’s office at NYU, on two floors of a building constructed as a department store in the early 20th century. Workers are packed more densely into the ope…
Ikki's Story IV-Panda's Trick - 竞赛题解 也算是2-sat学习的一个节点吧 终于能够自己解决一道2-sat的题了 ·题目 一个圆上有n个点按顺时针编号为 0~n-1 ,有m条边连接一些点(无自环无重边),每条边要么在圆内,要么在圆外.求是否存在一种方案(方案即每条边在圆内还是圆外)使得边之间不存在交点. 如果存在,输出"panda is telling the truth...",否则输出"the evil panda is lying aga…