Description Prof. Kaykobad has given Nasa the duty of buying some food for the ACM contestents. Nasa decided to buy n different items. He then asked each of the mcontestents how much of each item they want to eat. They could not give any logical answ…
题意 将N种食品分给m个参赛选手,一个单位的某食品给某个选手一定满足度,每个选手有一个最大满足度.为了避免浪费,分给每一个选手的食品都不超越选手的满足度.已知的各种食品的单价,求最多可以花的钱. 思路 标准的线性规划---直接求即可--目前只会用用模板,还没搞清楚单纯性算法-- 代码 [cpp] /** Simplex C(n+m)(n) maximize: c[1]*x[1]+c[2]*x[2]+...+c[n]*x[n]+ans subject to a[1,1]*x[1]+a[1,2]*x…
Problem GHappiness! Input: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 3 seconds Prof. Kaykobad has given Nasa the duty of buying some food for the ACM contestents. Nasa decided to buy n different items. He then asked each of the m contestents h… 终于写出来了单纯性算法的板子,抄的网上大爷的qwq 辅助线性规划找非基变量时要加个随机化才能A,我也不知道为什么,卡精度吗? 2017-3-6UPD:问了网上的大爷,知道是防止被卡时间(因为单纯形的复杂度是指数级的). #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 23; const d…
Description Kaykobad教授把为ACM选手买饭的任务交给了Nasa.Nasa决定买n种不同的食物.然后他询问了m名选手对每种食物的需求量.选手们当然不会给出任何符合逻辑的回答,他们只是想尽可能的多吃!Nasa很清楚,如果他们得到了想要的分量,他们就只会浪费粮食.Nasa决定不让这件事发生. 因此他机智的算出了对于每名选手吃一份每种食物能获得多少“满意值”.某人吃一份某种事物的满意值可能是零.如果每个人得到的总满意值超过上限,他就会浪费粮食.Nasa决定不让任何人得到的满意值超过该…
题目链接: Solution 就是单纯形模板题,这篇博客就是存一下板子. Code #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> using namespace std; #define eps 1e-9 inline…
题目链接 这写得还不错: 引入基变量\(x_{i+n}\),将约束\(\sum_{i=1}^m a_{ij}x_j\leq b_i\)改写为\[x_{i+n}=b_i-\sum_{i=1}^m a_{ij}x_j\]. 目标函数为\(\sum_{i=1}^n C_ix_i\).当存在\(r,c\)满足\(C_c>0\),\(B_r>0\),\(a_{rc}>0\),对第\(r\)个限制中的\(x_…
题目链接 UVA10498 题解 模板题 #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<cmath> #include<map> #define LL long long int…
线性规划VB求解 Rem 定义动态数组 Dim a() As Single, c() As Single, b() As Single, cb() As Single Dim aa() As Single, cba() As Single, xcb() As Integer, xb() As Integer Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, l As Integer, k As Integer, cc As Integer, cm As Integer, ka As…
线性规划问题 首先引入如下的问题: 假设食物的各种营养成分.价格如下表: Food Energy(能量) Protein(蛋白质) Calcium(钙) Price Oatmeal(燕麦) 110 4 2 3 Whole milk(全奶) 160 8 285 9 Cherry pie(草莓派) 420 4 22 20 Pork with beans(猪肉) 260 14 80 19 要求我们买的食物中,至少要有2000的能量,55的蛋白质,800的钙,怎样买最省钱? 设买燕麦.全奶.草莓派.猪肉…