一.UPnP简介 UPnP(Universal Plug and Play)技术是一种屏蔽各种数字设备的硬件和操作系统的通信协议.它是一种数字网络中间件技术,建立在TCP/IP.HTTP协议之上,采用XML来描述设备和控制信息.这种技术最开始是被微软,因特尔等公司使用在数字家庭中的,用来在家庭网络中完成多媒体资源共享,家电一体化等功能,例如在各种家电上实现IP数字化,加入网络传输和控制部分,从而让家电能组建UPnP网络,这种技术能让人们在上班或者外地出差时能查看家庭情况,如:是否有家…
1 . 出现的问题描述: 右键点击Find Sample Code后半天没有反应,然后提示 Samples are currently unavailable for :{******},问题类似于这个 Samples are currently unavailable for: {Symbol: Fragment, Package: android.support.v4.app} in android studio 2. 解决的办法 这个问题类似于在…
Skip to end of metadata Created by marc antoine garrigue, last modified by Jeremy Waters on Feb 23, 2012 Go to start of metadata Description This integration module provides the shortest way to integrate JCaptcha to your web application. This module…
Here I will list some parameters which people use very ofen, I will attach the output of the command with one parameters as well. 1. Create a new user:useradd Parameter: …
The Background Audio Streamer sample demonstrates how to create an app that uses a MediaStreamSource to stream audio content from a AudioStreamingAgent. This agent will run in the background and under the lock screen where you can control the audio u…
本文转自:http://badpaybad.info/simple-sample-to-create-and-use-widget-for-nopcommerce Here is very simple code to create widget in nopcommerce First you can download nopcommerce version 3.70 in here http://www.nopcommerce.com/downloads.aspx Seconds you s…
go sample - format package mainimport "fmt"import "os"type point struct { x, y int}func main() { //Go 为常规 Go 值的格式化设计提供了多种打印方式.例如,这里打印了 point 结构体的一个实例. p := point{1, 2} fmt.Printf("%v\n", p) // {1 2} //如果值是一个结构体,%+v 的格式化输出内容将包…
http://www.codejava.net/frameworks/spring/spring-mvc-sample-application-for-downloading-files n this article, we are going to show you how to implement file download functionality in a Spring MVC application. The solution is similar to the one descri…
typedef struct { //char name[ 16 ]; // Name of the CAN controller hardware //uint32_t ref_clk; // CAN system clock frequency in Hz //uint32_t sjw_max; // Synchronisation jump width uint32_t brp_min; // Bit-rate prescaler uint32_t brp_max; uint32_t br…
目录 . 引言 . LRK5 Rootkit . knark Rootkit . Suckit(super user control kit) . adore-ng . WNPS . Sample Rootkit for Linux . suterusu . Rootkit Defense Tools . Linux Rootkit Scanner: kjackal 1. 引言 This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics from the…
sample是在数据源取样. val data = sc.parallelize(1 to 20) data.sample(true,0.4).collect sample第一个参数表示是否是重复抽样,如果是true,则抽象的结果可能会有重复的数字.而false代表抽样的结果是没有重复的. sample第二个参数表示抽样的数量量,0.4代表是40%…
In this post, we’re going to be creating a sample comments system using Node, Express and Mongoose. Mongoose provides an object oriented interface for using MongoDB in Node. Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a MongoDB c…