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插入排序算法实现 1000(ms) 10000(kb) 2613 / 6080 插入排序算法实现. 输入 第一行是待排序数据元素的个数: 第二行是待排序的数据元素. 输出 一趟直接插入排序算法结果. 样例输入 10 50 36 41 19 23 4 20 18 12 22 样例输出 36 50 41 19 23 4 20 18 12 22 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ]; cin>>n; ;i<n;…
题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/code/745255/ Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 65535   Description 以下方法称为最小代价的字母树:给定一正整数序列,例如:4,1,2,3,在不改变数的位置的条件下把它们相加,并且用括号来标记每一次加法所得到的和. 例如:((4+1)+ (2+3))=((5)+(5))=10.除去原数不4,1,2,3之外,其余都为中间结果,如5,5,10,将中间结果…
题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/649/ Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 65535 Consider two teams, Lakers and Celtics, playing a series of NBA Finals until one of the teams wins n games. Assume that the probability of Lakers winning a game is…
NBA Finals(0649) Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 65535 Submission: 404 Accepted: 128   Description   Consider two teams, Lakers and Celtics, playing a series of NBA Finals until one of the teams wins n games. Assume that the probability of Lak…
解题思路:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/1023/ Time limit(ms): 5000 Memory limit(kb): 65535     Description BH is in a maze,the maze is a matrix,he wants to escape!   Input The input consists of multiple test cases. For each case,the first line contains…
题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/1125/ Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 65535   Description 哈特13最近在学习数论问题,然后他智商太低,并学不懂.这不,他又碰到不会的题了.题意非常简单: 有n个数字,求出这些数字中两两最大公约数的最大值.你一定要帮助他解决这个问题啊. Input 多组输入,约25组,直到文件末尾.每组数据占2行,第一行为数字个数n,2<=n<=100000第二行即为…
题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/1126/ Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 65535 上一周里,患有XX症的哈特13成功解决了填数矩阵问题.不知道他这一周又从哪儿弄来一神奇的矩阵,于是逃课潜心研究了一周,终于发现了其中的奥秘:该矩阵有2行.4列,即8个小方块,每个小方块上有一个数字,即:1 2 3 45 6 7 8对于这个神奇的矩阵,有3种变换方式,具体如下:变换A:上下两行数字互换,如上图可变为:5 6…
  题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/1026/     Time limit(ms): 3000 Memory limit(kb): 65535   hzf is crazy about reading math recently,and he is thinking about a boring problem. Now there are n integers Arranged in a line.For each integer,he wants…
题目链接:  http://acm.swust.edu.cn/contest/0226/problem/1139/ There is a row of n coins whose values are some positive integers c₁, c₂,...,cn, not necessarily distinct. The goal is to pick up the maximum amount of money subject to the constraint that no…
题目链接:http://acm.swust.edu.cn/problem/0385/ Time limit(ms): 5000 Memory limit(kb): 65535    Description 江油是李白故里.马可波罗来到李白故里,突然诗性大发,准备吟诗两句. 众所周知,诗句讲究对仗.马可波罗中文水平有限,所以想从已知的佳句中找出两句对偶的,组合出一些新的诗句. 为了简化问题,小马只选择七个字的佳句,并把它们的形式化成了字母(按意群将句子分组.断开).例如“海上明月共潮生”可化为“A…