sqlserver check running process 1】的更多相关文章

check process script 1, check which is current running: use master SELECTspid,ER.percent_complete,CAST(((DATEDIFF(s,start_time,GetDate()))/3600) as varchar) + ' hour(s), '+ CAST((DATEDIFF(s,start_time,GetDate())%3600)/60 as varchar) + 'min, '+ CAST((…
PLT redirection through shared object injection into a running process…
今天搭建zookeeper时碰到了starting zookeeper already running process 2853这样一个错误. 上网上查了几个相似的问题都是要删除zookeeper_server.pid这个文件,但是没解决我的问题. 出现这个原因应该是端口冲突了,首先你查看你这个端口是不是系统占用了,ps -aux,然后我 直接kill -9 2853删了这个进程.然后在重新启动.…
Check processes If you want to see what processes are running use the command ps -ef If you want to look up all processes by user bob, this might help pgrep -l -u bob or ps -ef | grep bob Kill processes To kill all the processes that you have the per…
I am currently trying to do a validation at the uninstall moment. In a Pascal script function, in Inno Setup, I want to search for a specific processes, with a wild card if possible. Then, loop through all find results, get the Image Name and Image P…
catalog . Linux进程权限原理 . 最小权限原则 - 进程降权运行最佳实践 . 进程权限控制包含的攻防向量 . 进程高权限安全风险检查技术方案 1. Linux进程权限原理 我们知道,Linux的权限管理体系中,有2个基础权限规则源 . MAC模型: 磁盘ACL权限,在Linux文件管理中,每个文件又有九位的权限说明,用来指明该文件允许哪些用户执行哪些操作(读.写或者执行) . DAC模型: SELINUX权限管理 这2类权限规则是相对静态的东西,穿插在它们之间,相对动态的东西是 .…
Neo君作为一只小白,今天踩到了一个supervisor的坑. 如上图所示,出现这种情况后,想把这个进程停止.或者重启,甚至stop all它还是这个样子,如下图(马赛克部分为进程名称): 一:背景 在服务器上部署几个单独跑的程序,使用supervisor进行管理.关于supervisor的安装.配置运行等,Neo君不再赘述,百度能到一大堆.这里只介绍几个我用到的觉得有用的命令. #启动supervisor, supervisord.conf为配置文件 supervisord -c xxx/su…
catalog . 引言 . 基于so文件劫持进行代码注入 . 基于函数符号表(PLT)中库函数入口地址的修改进行代码注入 . PLT redirection through shared object injection into a running process . 基于ptrace() Linux调试API函数进行代码注入 . Linux Hotpatch技术 . 基于软件输入控制漏洞(overflow)进行代码注入 . 动态共享库的保护技术 0. 引言 从本质上来说,代码注入.so注入…
目录 . 引言 . Kill Process By Kill Command && SIGNAL . Kill Process By Resource Limits . Kill Process By Code Injection Into Running Process Via GDB . Kill Process By Using Cross Process Virtual Memory Modify To Crash Process && process_vm_wri…
https://mahmoudhatem.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/tracing-memory-access-of-an-oracle-process-intel-pintools/ November 7, 2016 Mahmoud Hatem troubleshoting This blog post is motivated by a conversation with Frits Hoogland on his great blog post The curiou…