一.ANT任务之Junit: 学习ANT其实主要是学习ANT的task,ANT众多task中有一个Testing Tasks,它下面有两个任务:Junit和JunitReport,主要用来进行单元测试及生成单元测试报告. Testing Tasks Task Name Description Junit Runs tests from the Junit testing framework. This task has been tested with JUnit 3.0 up to JUnit…
Migrating from Ant to Gradle is very easy with the importBuild method from AntBuilder. We only have to add this single line and reference our existing Ant build XML file and all Ant tasks can now be executed as Gradle tasks. We can automatically rena…
一.环境准备 Jenkins: 到官网下载jenkins.war包:http://jenkins-ci.org/ 安装方法有两种: 把下载下来的jenkins.war包放到文件夹下,如C:\jenkins,然后打开命令行窗口并进到该目录下,执行java -jar jenkens.war命令,当提示:“Jenkins is fully up and running”时,表示启动成功,这时在浏览器窗口输入:http://localhost:8080/ 就可到jenkins的首页. 如果有tomcat…
大家可能都知道在Ant里可以使用junit和junitreport两个task来完成对测试结果生成HTML格式的报告. Maven里的Surefire-report的插件只能对Java测试报告支持的比较好.现在下面中使用到了JsUnit,Google C++ Test framekwork ,希望也能有HTML格式文档输出 Googling了许久,终于发现了是可以的 Link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2846493/is-there-a-decen…