环境准备. 安装mingw并设置好系统PATH. mingw.windows下的GUN编程环境. 系统变量的作用--可运行文件的搜索路径. 这样在cmd直接输入g++就能调用到D:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin\g++.exe. 打开cmd后的默认工作文件夹为 C:\Users\Administrator. g++与gcc. gcc仅仅负责编译,不负责链接标准库,所以直接生成exe程序的话要用g++,它会调用gcc. g++ hi.cpp -o…
Standard Controls 示例下载地址: http://developer.xamarin.com/content/StandardControls/ Xamarin官网上的IOS示例“Standard Controls”编译报错: xamarin  Failed to compile interface file. See Build Output for details   搜索Xamarind 的forums,有几个帖子是关于相同错误信息的,貌似最权威的解答是下面这个: http…
类似的问题还有: why can't class template use Handle Class Pattern to hide its implementation? || why there are linker problems (undefined reference) to my class template? 我出现问题的源码(见main.cpp,Stack.h,Stack.cpp)(本来是准备用来展示Handle Class Pattern如何实现implementation-…
一:OC调用C语言 C语言的.h文件 // // TestPrint.h // TestDemo // // Created by Techsun on 14-8-12. // Copyright (c) 2014年 techsun. All rights reserved. // #ifndef TestDemo_TestPrint_h #define TestDemo_TestPrint_h void printlog(); #endif C语言中.c文件 // // TestPrint.c…
ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29987716/cannot-use-gsl-library-on-macos-ld-symbols-not-found-for-architecture-x86-6 Indeed, as @trojanfoe and @bergercookie said you have to compile your file and then link it to the library. As explained in…
摘要: CLion, a cross-platform C/C++ IDE. 本文主要介绍基于Clion作为IDE, MinGW作为编译器,CMake作为项目构建工具,开发基于Qt5.qwt的C++图形GUI项目的安装.配置.编译过程. KeyWords:Clion:Cmake:Qt5:Qwt:msys2:MinGW:Windows 目录: 软件安装 环境配置 开发示例 注意事项 pacman基本命令参数 教程: 1. 软件安装 Jetbrains CLion CLion: A Cross-Pl…
"Hello World!" for the NetBeans IDE It's time to write your first application! These detailed instructions are for users of the NetBeans IDE. The NetBeans IDE runs on the Java platform, which means that you can use it with any operating system f…
If you want to compress or decompress file when writing C++ code,you can choose zlib library,that's quite easy. 1,Download zlib library's code form website:http://zlib.net/ 2,Decompress the file you've downloaded,and then go to the directory "zlib-1.…
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5849457/using-namespace-in-c-headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5849457/using-namespace-in-c-headers 這篇有解釋 避免在 header用 using namespace, 以免header被其他人include後 造成Conflict n all our c++ courses, all the teachers…