February 16, 2017 10:39 Goal In this article we will try to understand and answer to the below two question. How to understand the segment mode and status of gp_segment_configuration table ? What does 'c', 'r', 's' mean in mode column of gp_segment_c…
1503 - A PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table's partitioning function 错误的原因:表的主键字段必须包含分区字段.为什么? 举例来说,Id为auto_increment primary key,按日期分区.考虑下面的场景,插入一条Id为100的记录,mysql根据日期,当然知道插入到那个分区中,但是要检查所有的分区中是否已经包含Id为100的记录,显然效率很低.如果不检查所有的分区,只检查当前插入的分区…
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 23 Partitioning https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/partitioning.html [仅支持  InnoDB and NDB ] In MySQL 8.0, partitioning support is provided by the InnoDB and NDB storage engines. MySQL 8.0 does not currently…
mysqladmin showprocesslist可查看完整sql需要权限. SHOW PROCESSLIST显示哪些线程正在运行.您也可以使用mysqladmin processlist语句得到此信息.如果您有SUPER权限,您可以看到所有线程.否则,您只能看到您自己的线程(也就是,与您正在使用的MySQL账户相关的线程).请参见13.5.5.3节,“KILL语法”.如果您不使用FULL关键词,则只显示每个查询的前100个字符. 本语句报告TCP/IP连接的主机名称(采用host_name:…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/tables/specify-computed-columns-in-a-table?view=sql-server-2017 Before You Begin Limitations and Restrictions A computed column cannot be used as a DEFAULT or FOREIGN KEY constraint definition…
If a table have column A and B Count(distinct A) as Da Count(distinct B) as Db Count(distinct A, B) as Dab The Da/Db<=Dab, this will be always true; 1. if(Da=Db=Dab) => A:B as 1:1 2. if(Da<(Db=Dab)) => A:B as 1:N 3. if(Db<(Da=Dab)) => A:…
我的描述:当我编辑好flask以后,ORM映射数据库完成,启动项目时,发生现象: 解决: 看字面的意思是主键导致的错误,于是我查看了data_system_user_email的键参数配置,发现表没有主键,且我创建orm映射字段也未曾设置primary_key选项,详细如下: 添加主键前: 添加主键后: 话不多说,快去试试吧!!! 实验:navicat下创建有无主键表是否可以?值得注意的是,orm创建数据库表映射时必须带有主键字段…
internal static bool VerifyColumns(SqlConnection conn, string table, params string[] columns)         {             List<string> list = new List<string>();             using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM…
When a table column is defined with the implicitly hidden attribute, that column is unavailable unless it is explicitly referenced. For example, if a SELECT * query is run against a table, implicitly hidden columns are not returned in the result tabl…
COLUMNS分区 COLUMNS分区是RANGE和LIST分区的变种.COLUMNS分区支持多列作为分区键进行分区 RANGE COLUNMS分区和LIST COLUMNS都支持非INT型列作为分区键: 1.所有数据类型: TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT (INTEGER), and BIGINT. (This is the same as with partitioning by RANGE and LIST.) Decimal和Float不被支持 2.日…