Quote from: http://flexerasoftware.force.com/articles/en_US/HOWTO/Q111515 Synopsis This article describes how to launch a batch file from a Windows Installer (MSI-based) setup. Discussion The following steps describe how to create a custom action tha…
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015社区版提供了强大的开发体验,且 Qt 提供了预编译版本.然而,由于客户提出兼容Windows XP ~ Windows 8.1 这样宽泛的环境要求,使得我们不得不考虑更换工具链.经过反复对比测试,在Mingw32, Cygwin, MSYS2, Visual Studio 2010几个工具链中,综合性能.未来的可持续性.中文支持以及第三方库支持(比如qwt),认为MSYS2较为合适.在后续复杂的迁移过程中,基本是平顺的,但也遇到了一些问题…
Quote from: http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-functions.html Batch file Functions Packaging up code into a discrete functions, each with a clear purpose is a very common programming technique. Re-using known, tested code, means you can solve problems very qu…
Echo off @ECHO OFF echo string to generate the output create a blank line echo . create a file echo string >a.txt create multiple lines to a file echo off(echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00echo. echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\IA…
adb shell as root after device rooted once device rooted, we must perform "su" before we get root permission in adb shell,this is not convenient in some situations,so there have a method to get permission without perform "su". adb shel…
https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000322.htm#:~:text=Press Start%2C type Run%2C and press Enter. In,folder. Create a shortcut to the batch file. Run a batch file at loading of Windows 8 and 10 Create a shortcut to the batch file. How to create a…
set EXE='D:\gitlab\drivereasy3\DriverEasyWPF\bin\Release\DriverEasy.exe' powershell "(Get-Item -path %EXE%).VersionInfo.ProductVersion" > DE_Version_tmp.txt for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (DE_Version_tmp.txt) do ( setlocal disabledelayede…
前两天入手了一块2.8’的tft液晶显示屏,于是和树莓派连了一发,成功将命令行显示在了这块小的可怜的屏幕上之后,觉得这屏幕就显示个黑白内容太浪费了,于是考虑开发一个”脸”(图形用户界面,GUI).首先考虑用C语言或者Python来堆图形界面,但是发现不管是C语言的图形库SDL亦或者OpenGL来堆这货都有点麻烦,毕竟我也不是想显示个太过于复杂的图形界面在那块屏幕上,只是显示一个最基本的文字数字就满足了.于是考虑到QT库.之前曾经学过一段时间的QT For Win32,那个环境很好搭建,从http…
From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41042368/cannot-generate-c-sharp-proxy-dll-with-jni4net-tool-running-batch-file-as-trust I am working on getting the tool JNI4NET working so that I can use some Java code I have within my C# application. As a…