Getting Started Tutorial from msdn】的更多相关文章

Getting Started Tutorial The topics contained in this section are intended to give you quick exposure to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming experience. They are designed to be completed in the order of the list at the bottom of th… Big List of Resources: A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education ¶ Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation $ An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction ¶ ANTLR 3.x…
2015-10-22 10:24 在第八章学习Aggregation的时候搞晕了,所以就建了一个Workspace名为"COMAggregationDemo"来调试一下,使用的源码是书光盘目录SETUP\CODE\CHAP08\AGGREGATE 下载地址: 在COMAggregationDemo中我创建了四个Project,分别是"Client","Cmpnt1","Cmp…
参考: Platform Invoke Tutorial:…
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) is a language used as the output of a number of compilers (C#, VB, .NET, and so forth). The ILDasm (Intermediate Language Disassembler) program that ships with the .NET Framework SDK (FrameworkSDK\Bin\ildasm.exe…
DirectX for .Net procedure 1, install DXSDK 2, goto MS tutorial QA: 1,What's the difference between using statement a…
WCF custom authentication using ServiceCredentials The generally accepted way of authenticating a user with WCF is with a User Name and Password with the UserNamePasswordValidator class.  So common that even MSDN has a tutorial, and the MSDN document…
SQL Server Always On Availability Group 配置步骤:配置三台 Linux 集群节点创建 Availability Group配置 Cluster Resource Manager, 比如 Pacemaker在集群中添加 Availability Groups详细解说1. 配置三台 Linux 集群节点在集群中的三台服务器之间可以互相通信安装 SQL Server在 Linux 上,往集群管理器中添加集群资源时,一定是先建立集群资源,接着将新建的资源加入到集群…
SQL Server Always On Availability Group 配置步骤:配置三台 Linux 集群节点创建 Availability Group配置 Cluster Resource Manager, 比如 Pacemaker在集群中添加 Availability Groups详细解说1. 配置三台 Linux 集群节点在集群中的三台服务器之间可以互相通信安装 SQL Server在 Linux 上,往集群管理器中添加集群资源时,一定是先建立集群资源,接着将新建的资源加入到集群…
microsoft sequential workflow tutorial website: after reading this tutorial,i found three bugs: 1.the name of workflow project is the same as a class file name,both of them named "Expense…