C++ allows the programmer to define how objects are to be copied, moved, assigned and destroyed. Together these are known as copy control. Copy Control: C++的一大误区——深入解释直接初始化与复制初始化的区别 编译会帮你做很多你看不到,你也不知道的优化, "你看到的结果,正是编译器做了优化后的代码的运行结果,并不是你的代码的真正运行结果.&qu…
故事得从 copy/move constructor 说起: The default constructor (12.1), copy constructor and copy assignment operator (12.8), move constructor and move assignment operator (12.8), and destructor (12.4) are special member functions. [ Note: The implementation…
Copy, Assign, and Destroy When we define a class, we specify what happens when objects of the class are copied, moved, assigned, and destroyed. A class controls these operations by defining five special member functions: copy contructor, copy-assignm…
5.3 对象复制语意学 (Object Copy Semantics) 当设计一个 class,并以一个 class object指定给 class object时,有三种选择: 1.什么都不做,因此得以实施默认行为. 2.提供一个 explicit copy assignment operator. 3.明白地拒绝一个 class object指定给还有一个 class object. 假设要选择第3点,不同意将一个 class object指定给还有一个…
We have discussed assignment operator overloading for dynamically allocated resources here . This is a an extension of the previous post. In the previous post, we discussed that when we don't write our own assignment operator, compiler created assign…
[namespace] namespace nsTest1 { int nsAdd(int a, int b) { return a + b; } } namespace nsTest2 { int nsAdd(int a, int b) { return a + b; } } 有如上代码ns.h, 如果直接用swig导出, 则会报命名冲突的错误.需要用rename进行特殊处理, 如下: //防止命名冲突错误.%rename(nsAdd2) nsTest2::nsAdd;%include "ns…
Warning Message -WCFString-literal input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8 -WNSObject-attribute __attribute ((NSObject)) may be put on a typedef only, attribute is ignored -Wabstract-vbase-init in…
转载自http://blog.jobbole.com/44015/ 在C++11新标准中,语言本身和标准库都增加了很多新内容,本文只涉及了一些皮毛.不过我相信这些新特性当中有一些,应该成为所有C++开发者的常规装备.你也许看到过许多类似介绍各种C++11特性的文章.下面是我总结的,C++开发者都需要学习和使用的C++11新特性. auto 在C++11之前,auto关键字用来指定存储期.在新标准中,它的功能变为类型推断.auto现在成了一个类型的占位符,通知编译器去根据初始化代码推断所声明变量的…
原文标题:Ten C++11 Features Every C++ Developer Should Use 原文作者:Marius Bancila 原文地址:codeproject 备注:非直译,带个人感情色彩,有疑惑参看原文. This article discusses a series of features new to C++11 that all developers should learn and use. There are lots of new additions to…
operator 中处理”自我赋值“ operator=操作符缺省情况下返回引用——TYPE& TYPE::operator=(const TYPE&),原因很简单,operator=返回引用的理由是使你能在一个语句中连接多个赋值. int x, y, z; x = y = z = ; // chain of assignments 赋值采用右结合律,上面的代码被编译器解释为: x = (y = (z = )); 在编译过程中,赋值是右结合的.说白了就是如果你想要玩一下多个赋值,opera…
我和朋友们面到的c++试题整理 虚表 static const sizeof 可构造不可继承的类 stl Iterator失效 map vector vector的removed_if 优化 -------------- sizeof class A { int i; virtual int fun1(){}; } A a; sizeof(a)=8//32位机 class B { int i; virtual int fun1(){}; virtual int fun2(){}; } B b;…