题目描述 Farmer John has installed a new system of pipes to transport milk between the stalls in his barn (), conveniently numbered . Each pipe connects a pair of stalls, and all stalls are connected to each-other via paths of pipes. FJ is pumping milk…
这居然是我第一次写线段树合并--所以我居然在合并的时候加点结果WAWAWAMLEMLEMLE--!ro的时候居然直接指到la就行-- 树上差分,每个点建一棵动态开点线段树,然后统计答案的时候合并即可 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<queue> using namespace std; const int N=100005; int n,m,h[N],cnt,de[N],fa[N],si[N],hs[N],fr[…
P3128 [USACO15DEC]最大流Max Flow 题目描述 Farmer John has installed a new system of pipes to transport milk between the stalls in his barn (), conveniently numbered . Each pipe connects a pair of stalls, and all stalls are connected to each-other via path…