With the default Apache HBase configuration, everyone is allowed to read from and write to all tables available in the system. For many enterprise setups, this kind of policy is unacceptable. Administrators can set up firewalls that decide which mach…
With the default Apache HBase configuration, everyone is allowed to read from and write to all tables available in the system. For many enterprise setups, this kind of policy is unacceptable. Administrators can set up firewalls that decide which mach…
Introduction You can download the Visual Studio solutions for this article at this location. With all the Nuget binaries, it's about 57 MB (too big to be hosted here at CodeProject.com). The out-of-the-box authentication and authorization mechanisms…
搞不太清楚Authentication和Authorization的区别,在网上搜了一下,lucky16的一篇文章讲的通俗,看了就懂,记录下来: 你要登机,你需要出示你的身份证和机票,身份证是为了证明你张三确实是你张三,这就是 authentication:而机票是为了证明你张三确实买了票可以上飞机,这就是 authorization. 在 computer science 领域再举个例子: 你要登陆论坛,输入用户名张三,密码1234,密码正确,证明你张三确实是张三,这就是 authentica…
  You've created a web API, but now you want to control access to it. In this series of articles, we'll look at some options for securing a web API from unauthorized users. This series will cover both authentication and authorization. Authentication …
认证和授权的区别 Authentication vs. Authorization简单来说,认证(Authentication )是用来回答以下问题: 用户是谁 当前用户是否真的是他所代表的角色 通常来说,一个登陆系统,就是一个认证的系统. 那么授权(Authorization)又是什么呢?授权通常是用来回答以下问题: 用户A是否被授权访问资源R 用户A是否被授权执行P操作 常见的例如密码相册那些应用,就是应用到了授权系统. OAuth和OpenID的区别 OAuth关注的是authorizat…
最近把一个Asp .net core 2.0的项目迁移到Asp .net core 3.1,项目启动的时候直接报错: InvalidOperationException: Endpoint CoreAuthorization.Controllers.HomeController.Index (CoreAuthorization) contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports author…
Authentication(认证)   WebAPI中的认证既可以使用HttpModel也可以使用HTTP message handler,具体使用哪个可以参考一下依据: 一个HttpModel可以检测ASP.NET请求管道中的所有请求,一个message handler仅仅可以检测到被路由到这个WebAPI的请求 可以预先设置message handlers,让特定的route使用指定的authentication scheme Http Module只能在IIS中使用,Message ha…
单词 词性 解释 authentication n. 认证 authentic adj. 真实的 authorization n. 授权 authorise vt. 授权 authentication 你是谁 authorization 你能做什么…
什么是OAuth 如今很多网站的功能都强调彼此间的交互,因此我们需要一种简单,标准的解决方案来安全的完成应用的授权,于是,OAuth应运而生,看看官网对其的定义: An open protocol to allow secure API authorization  in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications. 一个典型的OAuth应用通常包括三种角色,分别是: Consumer:消费方 Service Pr…
1. 定义身份类 (Defining Identity Class)  为了验证一个用户,我们定义一个有验证逻辑的身份类.这个身份类实现[IUserIdentity] 接口.不同的类可能实现不同的验证方式(例如:OpenID,LDAP).最好是继承 CUserIdentity,此类是居于用户名和密码的验证方式.定义身份类的主要工作是实现[IUserIdentity::authenticate]方法.在用户会话中根据需要,身份类可能需要定义别的身份信息. 应用实例 下面的例子,我们使用Active…
本文大纲 一.简介 二.缓存的概念 三.自定义实现缓存机制 四.什么是Ehcache 五.Ehcache怎么用 六.Spring对缓存的支持 七.Spring+Ehcache实现 八.Spring+Shiro+Ehcache实现 九.总结 一.简介 在项目中,用到Shiro来做验证授权的控制.但在实际使用的时候,发现用户每访问一个功能,都会重新到UserRealm中获取一次权限.这样子会花费大量的系统系统.此时就想到了使用缓存,查了一下,Shiro也确实支持Authorization和Authe…
I know that blog post title is sure a mouth-full, but it describes the whole problem I was trying to solve in a recent project. The Project Let me outline the project briefly.  We were building a report dashboard-type site that will live inside the c…
当我们把Akka-http作为数据库数据交换工具时,数据是以Source[ROW,_]形式存放在Entity里的.很多时候除数据之外我们可能需要进行一些附加的信息传递如对数据的具体处理方式等.我们可以通过Akka-http的raw-header来实现附加自定义消息的传递,这项功能可以通过Akka-http提供的raw-header筛选功能来实现.在客户端我们把附加消息放在HttpRequest的raw header里,如下: import akka.http.scaladsl.model.hea…
以前一直分不清 authentication 和 authorization,其实很简单,举个例子来说: 你要登机,你需要出示你的身份证和机票,身份证是为了证明你张三确实是你张三,这就是 authentication:而机票是为了证明你张三确实买了票可以上飞机,这就是 authorization. 在 computer science 领域再举个例子: 你要登陆论坛,输入用户名张三,密码1234,密码正确,证明你张三确实是张三,这就是 authentication:再一check用户张三是个版主…
                                                                              Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) D. Hardt, Ed. Request for Comments: 6749 Microsoft Obsoletes: 5849 October 2012 Category: Standards Track ISSN: 2070-1721 The OAuth 2…
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 After enabling claims-based authentication, the next step is to add and configure the claims provider and relying party trusts in AD FS. Configure the claims provider trust You need…
原文:Forms Authentication in ASP.NET MVC 4 Contents: Introduction Implement a custom membership provider Implement a custom role provider Implement a custom user principal and identity Implement a custom authorization filter Summary 1. Introduction  Fo…
Most of the literature concerning the theme of authentication in ASP.NET Core focuses on the use of the ASP.NET Identity framework. In that context, things don’t seem to have changed much or, more precisely, all the changes that occurred in the infra…
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) D. Hardt, Ed.Request for Comments: 6749 MicrosoftObsoletes: 5849 October 2012Category: Standards TrackISSN: 2070-1721 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Abstract The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables…
http://bitoftech.net/2015/02/16/implement-oauth-json-web-tokens-authentication-in-asp-net-web-api-and-identity-2/ Currently our API doesn’t support authentication and authorization, all the requests we receive to any end point are done anonymously, I…
  The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Abstract The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction betwee…
A method, a system, an apparatus, and a computer program product are presented for an authentication process. A host application or system within a distributed data processing system supports one or more controlled resources, such as a legacy applica…
Resource Based Authorization¶ 基于资源的授权 68 of 73 people found this helpful Often authorization depends upon the resource being accessed. For example a document may have an author property. Only the document author would be allowed to update it, so the…
The following topics are covered in this section: JAAS and WebLogic Server JAAS Authentication Development Environment Writing a Client Application Using JAAS Authentication Using JNDI Authentication Java Client JAAS Authentication Code Examples The…
Enabling Active Directory Authentication for VMWare Server running on Linux Version 0.2 - Adam Breidenbaugh - 2007-06-29 Purpose The purpose of this guide is as follows: Document the steps necessary to enable Active Directory Authentication on a Linu…
LDAP Authentication 3.2 The LDAP Authentication addon permits users to have the same credentials as in LDAP, so effectively centralizing authentication. Enabling it will let any correctly authenticated LDAP user to use OpenNebula. Prerequisites This…
什么是Authentication? 首先解释两个长的非常像.easy混淆的单词,Authentication(鉴定.认证)和Authorization(授权). Authentication就是要证明你是谁.举个样例.你告诉别人你的名字叫Alice,怎么样让别人确信你就是Alice,这就是Authentication. Authorization则是当别人已经相信是你以后.你是不是被允不同意做做某件事儿.比方,当你已经证明了你就是Alice了,你能够查你自己的信用卡刷卡记录,但不能查Bob的刷…
当我们把Akka-http作为数据库数据交换工具时,数据是以Source[ROW,_]形式存放在Entity里的.很多时候除数据之外我们可能需要进行一些附加的信息传递如对数据的具体处理方式等.我们可以通过Akka-http的raw-header来实现附加自定义消息的传递,这项功能可以通过Akka-http提供的raw-header筛选功能来实现.在客户端我们把附加消息放在HttpRequest的raw header里,如下: import akka.http.scaladsl.model.hea…
最近客户有个需求,希望把面向public的Web应用中的终端用户数据库由Azure AD来实现,同时希望可以用MFA来实现用户身份认证.这个想法非常好,通过使用Azure的managed service AAD,耗时耗力的数据库运维工作由Azure来完成, 安全管控也同样由Azure完成,开发只要在代码中调用相应的AAD SDK并做相应配置就可以实现集成. 可是印象中Azure中国是只支持在portal登录时候的多重身份验证(MFA).那么问题来了,客户自己开发的应用能不能用到这个服务呢?比方说…