洛谷 P1849 [USACO12MAR]拖拉机Tractor】的更多相关文章

https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P1849 题目描述 After a long day of work, Farmer John completely forgot that he left his tractor in the middle of the field. His cows, always up to no good, decide to play a prank of Farmer John: they deposit N bales…
题目描述 After a long day of work, Farmer John completely forgot that he left his tractor in the middle of the field. His cows, always up to no good, decide to play a prank of Farmer John: they deposit N bales of hay (1 <= N <= 50,000) at various locati…
P2698 [USACO12MAR]花盆Flowerpot 题目描述 Farmer John has been having trouble making his plants grow, and needs your help to water them properly. You are given the locations of N raindrops (1 <= N <= 100,000) in the 2D plane, where y represents vertical he…
P3052 [USACO12MAR]摩天大楼里的奶牛Cows in a Skyscraper 题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top…
题目传送门 摩天大楼里的奶牛 题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top of their favorite skyscraper, th…
题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top of their favorite skyscraper, they had a proble…
传送门 神奇的spfa #include <queue> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #define N 1010 #define max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) int n, mx, my; int dis[N][N]; bool map[N][N], vis[N][N]; int dx[4] = {0, -1, 0, 1}, d…
bzoj炸了,靠离线版题目做了两道(过过样例什么的还是轻松的)但是交不了,正巧洛谷有个"大牛分站",就转回洛谷做题了 水题先行,一道傻逼匈牙利 其实本来的思路是搜索然后发现写出来类似于匈牙利(⊙o⊙) (匈牙利的复杂度惊人,1e6秒过) #include <cstdio> ]; ],fir[],to[],nex[]; int N,n,p,q; void add(int p,int q) { nex[++N]=fir[p];to[N]=q;fir[p]=N; } bool f…
没有上司的舞会  时间限制: 1 s  空间限制: 128000 KB  题目等级 : 钻石 Diamond       题目描述 Description Ural大学有N个职员,编号为1~N.他们有从属关系,也就是说他们的关系就像一棵以校长为根的树,父结点就是子结点的直接上司.每个职员有一个快乐指数.现在有个周年庆宴会,要求与会职员的快乐指数最大.但是,没有职员愿和直接上司一起与会. 输入描述 Input Description 第一行一个整数N.(1<=N<=6000)接下来N行,第i+1…
题目描述 “低价购买”这条建议是在奶牛股票市场取得成功的一半规则.要想被认为是伟大的投资者,你必须遵循以下的问题建议:“低价购买:再低价购买”.每次你购买一支股票,你必须用低于你上次购买它的价格购买它.买的次数越多越好!你的目标是在遵循以上建议的前提下,求你最多能购买股票的次数.你将被给出一段时间内一支股票每天的出售价(2^16范围内的正整数),你可以选择在哪些天购买这支股票.每次购买都必须遵循“低价购买:再低价购买”的原则.写一个程序计算最大购买次数. 这里是某支股票的价格清单: 日期 1 2…