I recently worked on a project to create a “virtual appliance” for one of our customers. They have an server application that they would like to distribute to their customers along with some new devices, and a virtual appliance is a good way to do th…
14.8 InnoDB File-Format Management 14.8.1 Enabling File Formats 14.8.2 Verifying File Format Compatibility 14.8.3 Identifying the File Format in Use 14.8.4 Modifying the File Format 随着InnoDB的发展, data files 格式 不兼容以前的InnoDB 版本有时候需要支持新的功能. 为了帮助管理通用型在升级和…
随着InnoDB存储引擎的发展,新的页数据结构有时用来支持新的功能特性.比如前面提到的InnoDB Plugin,提供了新的页数据结构来支持表压缩功能,完全溢出的(Off page)大变长字符类型字段的存储.这些新的页数据结构和之前版本的页并不兼容.因此从InnoDB Plugin版本开始,InnoDB存储引擎通过Named File Formats机制来解决不同版本下页结构兼容性的问题. InnoDB Plugin将之前版本的文件格式(file format)定义为Antelope,将这个版本…
web的视频世界,有两个概念非常容易搞混淆,即:视频文件的格式,比如.mp4,.flv,.ogv等等,以及视频本身的格式,就是指的codec算法名称,比如h.264,mpeg-4等. http://websitehelpers.com/video/…
原文: http://blog.csdn.net/flm2003/article/details/11980863 1. 从ova提取vmdk: tar xvf oldImage.ova => oldImage.ovf oldImage.vmdk 2. vmdk转换为vdi: VBoxManage clonehd --format VDI myserver.vmdk  myserver.vdi => myserver.vdi   3. 调整硬盘空间大小: VBoxManage list hdd…
KVM has the ability to use VMware's .vmdk disk files directly, as long as the disk is wholly contained in a single vmdk file. However, VMware also allows splitting a disk into multiple smaller vmdk files, usually 2 GB each. KVM can't use these. You c…
转载自: http://www.websurfmedia.com/10-best-tools-for-websites-and-apps-development-ever/   The world is full of creativity and whatever be the arena of development passion and determination are the key ingredients for achieving higher goals. And if it…
qcow2虚拟磁盘映像转化为vmdk yum install qemu-img –y qemu-img info source-name.vmdk 查看虚拟机信息 qemu-img convert -f qcow2 file.qcow2 -O vmdk file.vmdk 换虚拟机格式,将vmdk转换为qcow2 登录宿主机,在 VMwareWorkstation上检查 A 虚拟机,如果安装了 VMware Tools,以 root用户运行 vmware-uninstall-tools.pl卸载…
Howto Shrink a Thin Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) Posted by fgrehl on November 24, 2014Leave a comment (18)Go to comments   Thin provisioned disks are a great feature to save capacity as you virtual machines filesystem will never use the full capac…
现状: 需要将原有数据中心的VM虚拟机导出本地OVF模板,然后迁移至新的机房虚拟化环境后从新导入. 问题: 导入OVF时候,先出现错误问题1,修复完成后,出现错误问题2 1. OVF迁移至本地以后,导入OVF时候出现路径错误,不能正常识别vmdk文件路径 2. OVF导入时候,提示用户取消任务 问题分析: 1. 查看虚拟机的OVF模板,发现OVF路径为 [ %e5%b8%90%e5%8f%b7_%e6%8e%88%e6%9d%83%e6%9c%8d%e5%8a%a1%e5%99%a8-1-dis…