在使用真机调试Android程序时,报错如下: could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon error: cannot connect to daemon 首先,打开命令行工具,找出占用5037端口号的对应pid号 netstat -ano | findstr :5037 如果端口被占用,在任务列表中找到占用端口的进程 tasklist | findstr processID 打开任务管理器,将对应pid号的进程杀死.然后…
如何在chrome上调试混合式APP https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/remote-debugging/ Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices Kayce Basques By Kayce Basques Technical Writer at Google Remote debug live content on an Android device fr…
参考连接:http://blog.csdn.net/scyatcs/article/details/9003285 Android.Util.AndroidRuntimeException: You cannot combine custom titles with other title features 错误如下图: 原文图: 解决方法: 1.在AndroidManifest.xml 中更改<application>标签中的android:theme="@style/AppThe…