Category Theory: 01 One Structured Family of Structures 这次看来要放弃了.看了大概三分之一.似乎不能够让注意力集中了.先更新吧. 群的定义 \(G = \{ G, +, e \}\),一个数据集\(G\),一个二元操作符\(+\),和一个幺元\(e\). 满足结合律:\((a + b) + c = a + (b + c)\) 满足封闭性. 存在单位元:\(e + a = a = a + e\) 存在逆元:对于每一个a,存在一个逆元a': \…
博弈论(Game Theory) - 01 - 前传之占优战略均衡 开始 我们现在准备攀爬博弈论的几座高峰. 我们先看看在纳什均衡产生之前,博弈论的发展情况. 我们的第一座高峰是占优战略均衡. 囚徒困境(prisoner's dilemma)和占优战略均衡 囚徒困境 经典的囚徒困境如下: 警方逮捕甲.乙两名嫌疑犯,但没有足够证据指控二人入罪.于是警方分开囚禁嫌疑犯,分别和二人见面,并向双方提供以下相同的选择: 若一人认罪并作证检控对方(相关术语称"背叛"对方),而对方保持抵赖,此人将即…
Even if you are not a functional programmer, the notion of product type should be familiar to you, e.g., Pair<A, B> in Java is a product type of A and B. But the definition in category theory is not that easy to comprehend. Here is how it is defined…
此主要讨论图像处理与分析.虽然计算机视觉部分的有些内容比如特 征提取等也可以归结到图像分析中来,但鉴于它们与计算机视觉的紧密联系,以 及它们的出处,没有把它们纳入到图像处理与分析中来.同样,这里面也有一些 也可以划归到计算机视觉中去.这都不重要,只要知道有这么个方法,能为自己 所用,或者从中得到灵感,这就够了. 21. Scale Space尺度空间滤波在现代不变特征中是一个非常重要的概念,有人说SIFT的提出者Lowe是不变特征之父,而Linderburg是不变特征之母.虽然尺度空间滤波是Wi…
Category class Category cat where id :: cat a a (.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c instance Category (->) where id = (.) = (GHC.Base..) (<<<) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c (<<<) = (.) (&…
一位cornell的教授做的计算机类期刊会议依据Microsoft Research引用数的排名 link: The following are the journals and conferences in computer science that have published at least 100 papers (2003–2013), with at least 5 citations per pa…
产生自CiterSeer 2005数据库,实际的影响因子可能更高.仅供参考使用.真实的IF还需去官网查看 . OSDI: 3.31 (top 0.08%) . USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems: 3.23 (top 0.16%) . PLDI: 2.89 (top 0.24%) . SIGCOMM: 2.79 (top 0.32%) . MOBICOM: 2.76 (top 0.40%) . ASPLOS: 2.70 (t…
Awesome Courses  Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lect… Course # Course Title Level 1.010 Uncertainty in Engineering Undergraduate 1.017 Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications Undergraduate 2.003J Dynamics and Control I (Fall 2…
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