MB SD Connect Compact 5 has same function as SD C4 but with new design, support both cars and trucks, support wireless connection. It can Not Only Support K Lline Diagnose and CAN BUS, But Also UDS Diagnose Protocol. Because old MB Star C4 main board…
MB SD Connect Compact 5 is new released from MB Star company ,and its original version here the copy version per my sale experience,can not compared with our mb sd c4,some other customers may not think alike,i just illustrate my own opinion ,the orig…
MB SD C4 Star Diagnostic Tool is the professional MB Star Diagnostic Tools for benz cars and trucks. This is the popular tool which enjoy the market of Benz diagnosic Market. Recently, one of the new tool which named MB SD Connect Compact 5 launch to…
Both MB SD C5 and FVDI II are diagnostic and Programmer tools for Mercedes Benz Cars & Trucks.Then buy Mercedes Benz MB SD C5 or buy FVDI 2 Commander ,which better ? Referred to this question, here,the blog will make a comparison between these two to…
Why MB Star Diagnostic tool is so well-received by thousands of users, its technology and quality is developed after lots of experiments and improvement. Recently, we mbstar shop website provide a new Star diagnosis bundle, Mercedes BENZ C5 SD Connec…
在将一个文件存储到sd卡上面的时候,一般需要判断sd是否已经挂载才进行操作. 那么如何判断sd卡已经挂载呢? 我们可以使用Android的Environment类,具体使用如下: if(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) {//如果已经挂载 //sd卡已经挂载,可以进行读写操作了 } else { //sd未挂载,在此进行提示 } 还有一点,手机上不一定只有一个sd卡,或者手机上的sd卡…
android获取sd卡路径方法: 不建议直接写死android sd卡的路径. public String getSDPath(){ File sdDir = null; boolean sdCardExist = Environment.getExternalStorageState() .equals(android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED); //推断sd卡是否存在 if (sdCardExist) { sdDir = Environment.getEx…
先前买了个 荣耀6(购买链接),自带存储只有 16G,用来一段时间后,老是提示存储不足.后来发现是 微信 等软件占用了好多存储(缓存),, 好吧,在京东上买了个 64G 扩展卡(购买链接),安装过程如下: 1.把 扩展卡 插入手机: 2.在 Windows 电脑上,格式化 SD卡,格式选择为 exFAT 3.在手机上,格式化 SD 卡,不然的话,会提示:SD卡已安全移除 -> 手机头部,选择 “设置” -> 存储 -> 选择最下方的“我的 SD 卡” -> 选择 “格式化 SD 卡…
前面对SD卡控制器有了一个主要的介绍.事实上SD控制器层更过的意义是为core层提供一种操作SD卡硬件的一种方法.当然不同的控制器对硬件控制的方法不尽同样,可是他们终于都能像core层提交一个统一的封装有操作方法的数据结构,那便是即将闪亮登场的struct mmc_host_ops....相应的host文件为s3cmci.c. 接下来就来揭开与之相应的struct mmc_host_ops结构的神奇面纱.... static struct mmc_host_ops s3cmci_ops = {…
测试从sd卡读1k大小的文件,再写1k大小的文件,由于处理耗时很短,所以循环500次,查看耗时:测试写1k大小的文件,直接在内存构造一个1k的buffer,将这个buffer直接写到文件,同样循环500次,查看耗时. 思路:首先读写文件,建立文件输入输出流,然后将读取的数据直接写入文件,打印时间戳,查看耗时:只写文件,新建一个1k的buffer,然后用文件输出流写入文件,打印时间戳,查看耗时. 直接上代码: package com.example.ghimtim.myapplication; i…