转自:http://blog.csdn.net/liranke/article/details/16803295 在修改了资源文件后,出现“"cannot be resolved or is not a field",解决方法如下: 1. 删除R.java文件,这时,系统会重新生成一个R.java; 2. 删除java代码中的”import android.R“文件. 问题解决.…
Do not modify the R class. The error means there's something syntactically wrong with your XML layouts and R cannot be auto-generated. Try looking there and post the xml code you're not sure about, if any. Edit : also: remove "import android.R"…
今天在做XML解析的时候,总是给我报 XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity 的错误,后来查了下讲大概意思是android中解析的时候xml文件格式问题. 在文件的最前端 即<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>前面不能有空格. 修改即好.…