iOS  Programming  UIGestureRecognizer and UIMenuController A UIGestureRecognizer intercepts touches that are on their way to being handled by a view. 一个UIGestureRecognizer拦截touches 在他们被一个view处理的路上. When it recognizes a particular gesture, it sends a…
UIGestureRecognizer 对象会截取本应由视图处理的触摸事件.当某个UIGestureRecognizer对象识别出特定的手势后,就会向指定的对象发送指定的消息.iOS SDK默认提供若干中UIGestureRecoginezer对象.本章我们将继续更新 JXTouchTracker ,借助由iOS SDK提供的三种 UIGestureRecogniezer对象,用户可以选择.移动.删除线条. UIGestureRecognizer子类 在为应用添加手势识别功能时,需要针对特定的手…
Introduction (已看) Prerequisites What Has Changed in the Sixth Edition? Our Teaching Philosophy How to Use This Book How This Book Is Ogranized Style Choices Typographical Conventions Necessary Hardware and Software 1. A Simple ios Application (已看) Cr…
内部分享: Head First iOS Programming…
iOS Programming Recipe 6: Creating a custom UIView using a Nib JANUARY 7, 2013 BY MIKETT 12 COMMENTS Creating a custom UIView using a Nib Assumptions You are familiar with creating UIView subclasses, and instantiating UIView’s both from a Nib file or…
iOS Programming Autorotation, Popover Controllers, and Modal View Controllers  自动旋转,Popover 控制器,Modal view controller  1.  In this chapter, you are going to make four changes to Homepwner's behavior that will tailor the app's behavior to whatever dev…
iOS Programming Controlling Animations 动画 The word "animation" is derived from a Latin word that means "the act of bringing to life." Animations are what bring your applications to life, and when used appropriately, they can guide your…
iOS Programming UIStoryboard In this chapter, you will use a storyboard instead. Storyboards are a feature of iOS that allows you to instantiate and lay out all of your view controllers in one XIB-like file. Additionally, you can wire up view control…
iOS Programming NSUserDefaults  When you start an app for the first time, it uses its factory settings. As you use it, a good app learns your preferences. Where are your preferences stored? Inside each app bundle there is a plist that holds the user'…
iOS Programming Localization 本地化 Internationalization is making sure your native cultural information is not hard-coded into your application. 国际化确保你的本土信息不是硬编码进你的应用. By cultural information, we mean language, currency, date formats, number formats, a…