题意: 有一个单行道,两个方向都有车在等待.给出每个车的方向以及到达的时间以及走完这段路所需要的时间. 为了防止车祸,同向两车通过任一点的时间间隔不得小于10s. 求最后一辆车离开时刻的最小值. 思路: 这题最坑的就是,车可以降低速度.provided it is not slowed down by other cars in front. 分析一下样例2, 4 A 0 100 B 50 100 A 100 1 A 170 100 首先B走,到达时间为150s,之后A1走,到达时间为2…
Description The cows have reconstructed Farmer John's farm, with its N barns (1 <= N <= 150, number 1..N) after the terrible earthquake last May. The cows didn't have time to rebuild any extra roads, so now there is exactly one way to get from any g…
XML Data Type Methods(一) /*XML Data Type Methods: 1.The query('XQuery') method retrieves(vt.检索,重新得到) a subset of untyped XML from the target XML instance 2.The value('XQuery',dataType) method returns a scalar value(标量值) from the targeted XML document…