A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis 原著:Lindsay I Smith, A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis, February 26, 2002. 翻译:houchaoqun.时间:2017/01/18.出处:http://blog.csdn.net/houchaoqun_xmu | http://blog.csdn.net/Houchaoqun_XMU/article/details…
Principal Components Analysis (一)引入PCA 当我们对某个系统或指标进行研究时往往会发现,影响这些系统和指标的因素或变量的数量非常的多.多变量无疑会为科学研究带来丰富的信息,但也会在一定程度上增加工作的难度,而通常变量之间又具有一定的相关性,这又增加了问题分析的复杂度.如果分别分析每个变量,那么分析又不够综合,而盲目的减少变量又会损失很多有用的信息.因而我们自然而然想到能否用较少的新变量去代替原来较多的旧变量(即降维),同时使这些新变量又能够尽可能保留原来旧…
Kernel Principal Components Analysis PCA实际上就是对原坐标进行正交变换,使得变换后的坐标之间相互无关,并且尽可能保留多的信息.但PCA所做的是线性变换,对于某些数据可能需要通过非线性变换,比如在二维空间下对如下数据进行处理.如果还是采用最初的PCA,则得到的主成分是$z_1,z_2$,而这里的$z_1,z_2$都包含了大量的信息,故无法去掉任何一个坐标,也就达不到降维的目的.而此时如果采用极坐标变换(属于非线性变换),我们就可以尽用一条坐标包含大量的信息(…
In this note, we discuss principal components regression and some of the issues with it: The need for scaling. The need for pruning. The lack of “y-awareness” of the standard dimensionality reduction step. The purpose of this article is to set the st…
Abstract A cataract is lens opacification caused by protein denaturation which leads to a decrease in vision and even results in complete blindness at later stages. The concept of a classification system of automatic cataract detecting based on retin…
Principal Component Analysis(PCA) algorithm summary mean normalization(ensure every feature has sero mean) Sigma = 1/m∑(xi)(xi)T [U,S,V] = svd(Sigma) ureduce = u(:,1:K) Z = ureduce ' * X Pick smallest value of k for which ∑ki=1 Sii / ∑i=mi=1 Sii >…