[链接] 我是链接,点我呀:) [题意] 在这里输入题意 [题解] 翻转一次最多影响2k+1个地方. 如果n<=k+1 那么放在1的位置就ok.因为能覆盖1..k+1 如果n<=2k+1 那么就放在1+k的位置就ok.能覆盖1..2k+1 其他情况 考虑temp=n%(2k+1)的值. 如果temp==0 那么美滋滋.直接操作n/(2k+1)次就ok, 分别在1+k,1+k+2k+1,1+k+2k+1+2k+1.... 刚好占据n个位置. 如果k+1<=temp<=2k 那么我们可…
[链接] 我是链接,点我呀:) [题意] 在这里输入题意 [题解] i从1..n/2循环一波. 保证a[i]和a[n-i+1]就好. 如果都是2的话填上min(a,b)*2就好 其他情况跟随非2的. [代码] #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define rep1(i,a,b) for (int i = a;i <= b;i++) #define rep2(i,a,b) for (int i = a;i >= b;i--…
https://codeforces.com/contest/1040/problem/D 用法 mt19937 g(种子); //种子:time(0) mt19937_64 g(); //long long ll x=g(); //调用 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define P 23 using namespace std; ll n,l,r,k; char s[5]; ll mu=1; mt19937_64 g(ti…
A. Fraction 题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/854/problem/A 题目意思:给出一个数n,求两个数a+b=n,且a/b不可约分,如果存在多组满足条件的a和b,输出a/b最大的a和b. 题目思路:首先a+b=n,那么暴力枚举i和n-i,且gcd(i,n-i)==1,由于i越大是n-i越小,则a/b的值越大. 代码: //Author: xiaowuga #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std…
D. Jury Meeting time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output Country of Metropolia is holding Olympiad of Metrpolises soon. It mean that all jury members of the olympiad should meet toge…
Country of Metropolia is holding Olympiad of Metrpolises soon. It mean that all jury members of the olympiad should meet together in Metropolis (the capital of the country) for the problem preparation process. There are n + 1 cities consecutively num…
Helen works in Metropolis airport. She is responsible for creating a departure schedule. There are n flights that must depart today, the i-th of them is planned to depart at the i-th minute of the day. Metropolis airport is the main transport hub of…
Maxim wants to buy an apartment in a new house at Line Avenue of Metropolis. The house has n apartments that are numbered from 1 to nand are arranged in a row. Two apartments are adjacent if their indices differ by 1. Some of the apartments can alrea…
Petya is a big fan of mathematics, especially its part related to fractions. Recently he learned that a fraction  is called proper iff its numerator is smaller than its denominator (a < b) and that the fraction is called irreducible if its numerator…
·不论难度,A,C,D自己都有收获! [A. Kirill And The Game] ·全是英文题,述大意:    给出两组区间端点:l,r,x,y和一个k.(都是正整数,保证区间不为空),询问是否在[x,y]区间内存在一个整数p,使得p*k属于[l,r],如果存在,则输出'YES',否则输出'NO'.(1<=l,r,x,y<=107) ·分析:     首先看见了107,发现可以直接O(n)暴力枚举:枚举区间[x,y]的所有数,判断它与k的乘积是否在[l,r]中就可以了.从容AC: #in…
Codeforces Round #403 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2017 Finals) 说一点东西: 昨天晚上$9:05$开始太不好了,我在学校学校$9:40$放学我呆到十点然后还要跑回家耽误时间....要不然$D$题就写完了 周末一些成绩好的同学单独在艺术楼上课然后晚上下第一节晚自习和他们在回廊里玩开灯之后再关上一片漆黑真好玩 A.Andryusha and Socks 日常煞笔提.....我竟然$WA$了一次忘了$n<<1$ #include <…
Codeforces Round #500 (Div. 2) [based on EJOI] https://codeforces.com/contest/1013 A #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define lson l,mid,rt<<1 #define rson mid+1,r,rt<<1|1 #define IT set<node>::iterator #define sqr(x) (…
Codeforces Round #517 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2019 Elimination Round 2) #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n,m,k; ; int main() { cin>>n>>m>>k; ;i<=k-;++i) { sum+=(n+(m-))*-(i)*; } cout<<sum<<endl;…
A. Even Subset Sum Problem 题意 给出一串数,找到其中的一些数使得他们的和为偶数 题解 水题,找到一个偶数或者两个奇数就好了 代码 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #define def 110 using namespace std; long a[def]; int main() { long _,ans0,ans1,ans2,n,i; for(scanf(&quo…
题目传送门 /* DFS: 排序后一个一个出发往后找,找到>r为止,比赛写了return : */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <queue> #include…
A - Forgetting Things 题意:给 \(a,b\) 两个数字的开头数字(1~9),求使得等式 \(a=b-1\) 成立的一组 \(a,b\) ,无解输出-1. 题解:很显然只有 \(a=b\) 和 \(a=b-1\) 的时候有解,再加上一个从 \(9\) 越到 \(10\) 的就可以了.被样例的 \(199,200\) 误导了. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int mai…
C. Did you mean... time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Beroffice text editor has a wide range of features that help working with text. One of the features is an automatic search…
B. Which floor? time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output In a building where Polycarp lives there are equal number of flats on each floor. Unfortunately, Polycarp don't remember how…
A. k-rounding time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output For a given positive integer n denote its k-rounding as the minimum positive integer x, such that x ends with k or more zeros i…
传送门:http://codeforces.com/contest/1087/problem/C C. Connect Three time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The Squareland national forest is divided into equal 1×11×1 square plots al…
任意门:http://codeforces.com/contest/1058/problem/C C. Vasya and Golden Ticket time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Recently Vasya found a golden ticket — a sequence which consists…
比赛传送门 只能说当晚状态不佳吧,有点头疼感冒的症状.也跟脑子没转过来有关系,A题最后一步爆搜没能立即想出来,B题搜索没有用好STL,C题也因为前面两题弄崩了心态,最后,果然掉分了. A:简单数学 B:数学+排序 C:字符串搜索 A // https://codeforces.com/contest/1277/problem/A /* 题意: 给出一个数,求不大于该数的完美整数的个数(完美整数指全是一个数组成的数字,如:111, 333333, 444444, 9, 8888 ...) 分析:…
https://codeforces.com/contest/1241/problem/C You are an environmental activist at heart but the reality is harsh and you are just a cashier in a cinema. But you can still do something! You have n tickets to sell. The price of the i-th ticket is pi.…
比赛链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1445 A. Array Rearrangment 题意 给定两个大小均为 \(n\) 的升序数组 \(a\) 和 \(b\) ,判断能否重排数组 \(b\) 使得对任意 \(i\) 均满足 \(a_i + b_i \le x\) . 题解一 因为 \(a\) 为升序,所以将 \(b\) 按照降序排列判断即可. 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int ma…
比赛链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1443 A. Kids Seating 题意 构造一个大小为 \(n\) 的数组使得任意两个数既不互质也不相互整除,要求所有数小于 \(4n\) . 题解 因为不互质所以 \(gcd\) 至少为 \(2\),又为了避免相互整除,可以从倒着较大的 \(4n\) 开始构造. 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { ios::sync_with…
题意:有一堆数据,某些是样例数据(假设X个),某些是大数据(假设Y个),但这些数据文件的命名非常混乱.要你给它们一个一个地重命名,保证任意时刻没有重名文件的前提之下,使得样例数据命名为1~X,大数据命名为X+1~X+Y. 先把未使用的名字压进两个栈. 分为三轮:第一轮把占用了对方名字的样例数据以及占用了对方名字的大数据放进两个队列,然后不断反复尝试对这两个队列进行出队操作,每次将占用对方名字的改成一个未被使用的正确名字(从栈里取出),然后将占用的名字压进另一个栈.由于每个数据只会出队一次,所以是…
题意:给你n个数,一次操作可以选一个数delete,代价为x:或者选一个数+1,代价y.你可以进行这两种操作任意次,让你在最小的代价下,使得所有数的GCD不为1(如果全删光也视作合法). 我们从1到max(ai)枚举最后都变成的gcd是多少,假设为g,那么所有数都必须变成一个比g大的最小的g的倍数k·g.枚举k,然后在一个区间[(k-1)*g+1,k*g]里,一定存在一个分界点f,使得小于等于f的数全都删去,因为删除的代价小于把它们都变成kg的代价:大于f的数全都变成kg.因为x<=(kg-ai…
题意:给你五维空间内n个点,问你有多少个点不是坏点. 坏点定义:如果对于某个点A,存在点B,C,使得角BAC为锐角,那么A是坏点. 结论:如果n维空间内已经存在2*n+1个点,那么再往里面添加任意多个点,就会导致所有点都变成坏点. 容易看出来(?),把2*n+1个点分别放在原点处和每个坐标轴的正负半轴上各一个比较优. 所以n>11时,直接输出零,否则暴力枚举. #include<cstdio> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; stru…
题意:给你平面上3个不同的点A,B,C,问你能否通过找到一个旋转中心,使得平面绕该点旋转任意角度后,A到原先B的位置,B到原先C的位置. 只要A,B,C构成等腰三角形,且B为上顶点.那么其外接圆圆心即是一个合法的旋转中心.画个图很显然. 注意A,B,C三点共线时不可. #include<cstdio> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; struct Point{ ll x,y; Point(const ll &x,const ll &…
先反复地扫(不超过n次),把所有可以确定唯一取法的给确定下来. 然后对于剩下的不能确定的,跑2-SAT.输出可行解时,对于a和¬a,如果a所在的强连通分量序号在¬a之前,则取a,否则不取a.如果a和¬a在同一个强连通分量,则无解. #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<cstring…