概述 Unlike TCP, UDP has no notion of connections. A UDP socket can receive datagrams from any server on the network and send datagrams to any host on the network. In addition, datagrams may arrive in any order, never arrive at all, or be duplicated in…
wx The classes in this module are the most commonly used classes for wxPython, which is why they have been made visible in the core wx namespace. Everything you need for building typical GUI applications is here. Class Summary Class Short Description…
import sqlite3 Python 的一个非常大的优点是很容易写很容易跑起来,缺点就是很多不那么著名的(甚至一些著名的)程序和库都不像 C 和 C++ 那边那样专业.可靠(当然这也有动态类型 vs 静态类型的原因). 首先,爬虫属于IO密集型程序(网络IO和磁盘IO),这类程序的瓶颈大多在网络和磁盘读写的速度上,多线程在一定程度上可以加速爬虫的效率,但是这个“加速”无法超过min(出口带宽,磁盘写的速度),而且,关于Python的多线程,由于GIL的存在,实际上是有一些初学者不容易发现的…