发现了一个很棒的vim配置方法,现在共享给大家. https://github.com/kepbod/ivim ivim - The Vim Distribution of Xiao-Ou Zhang See ivim's states on GitEgo Installation Manual Install A Vim/MacVim/gVim with version higher than 7.3 has been installed on your computer, and bac…
If you've been following my series on Vim, it should be clear now that Vim has a pretty clear philosophy of how text editing should work. It's based on the Unix philosophy of small composable tools, and doesn't necessarily match up with the conventio…
这是vim皇冠vim简要 ------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS VIM Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi. Many new features have been added: multi-level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history, on-line help, spell…