With DJ Java Decompiler you can decompile java class-files and save it in text or other format. It's simple and easy. DJ Java Decompiler is Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 decompiler and disassembler for Jav…
接上一篇 补充:事实上java的类需要在src文件夹里写,classes文件夹只是会同步src文件夹里的类.如果在classes文件夹里操作java类,是会提示文件只读的.src文件夹中进行代码编写 5.数据库连接代码 到第三篇终于到了写代码的时间了呜呜...我选择写调试数据库的代码,直接写sevlert的话debug比较麻烦,先写数据库部分就能有效避免数据库出错了.下面是代码,注释很详细了 // // Source code recreated from a .class file by In…
wiki:https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon/wiki/Java%20Decompiler 由于jd好多年没更新了,今天找到这个新的开源反汇编,很不错 分享一下. 之前一直用jd,结果很多时候要看smali 现在好多了 Java Decompiler As a developer who splits his time between the .NET and Java platforms, I have been surprised and disma…
About Fernflower Fernflower is the first actually working analytical decompiler for Java and probably for a high-level programming language in general. Naturally it is still under development, please send your bug reports and improvement suggestions…
With AndroChef Java Decompiler you can decompile apk., dex, jar and java class-files. It's simple and easy. AndroChef Java Decompiler is Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 decompiler for Java that recons…
What is a programming language? Before introducing compilation and decompilation, let's briefly introduce the Programming Language. Programming languages are divided into low-level languages and high-level languages. Machine language and assembly…
// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) // import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class Page<T> { /*静态变量,用于设置结果是按照正序排列还是反序…
闲暇之余,写了一个Eclipse下的Java反编译插件:Eclipse Class Decompiler,整合了目前最好的2个Java反编译工具Jad和JD-Core,并且和Eclipse Class Viewer无缝集成,能够很方便的使用本插件查看类库源码,以及采用本插件进行Debug调试. Eclipse Class Decompiler插件更新站点: http://feeling.sourceforge.net/update 离线安装包下载地址一:http://feeling.source…
jd-gui众所周知,业界公认的反编译必备工具. 笔者目前遇到一个java项目,社区版,想做一个本地化的版本,询问官方,官方说闭源,无奈之下只能反编译了. 面对那么多jar,jd-gui一个个去反编译保存,工作量的确很大.幸好在网上找到一个不错的工具 高能预警:jd-gui反编译的错误的,你敢不敢放到cfr来反编译试一试,保证有惊喜. CFR - another java decompiler 特性: CFR will decompile modern Java features - Java…