JUNE 28TH, 2014Tweet This article describes how Python string interning works in CPython 2.7.7. A few days ago, I had to explain to a colleague what the built-in function intern does. I gave him the following example: >>> s1 = 'foo!' >>>…
http://www.laurentluce.com/posts/python-string-objects-implementation/ Python string objects implementation June 19, 2011 This article describes how string objects are managed by Python internally and how string search is done. PyStringObject structu…
最近在看python标准库这本书,第一感觉非常厚,第二感觉,里面有很多原来不知道的东西,现在记下来跟大家分享一下. string类是python中最常用的文本处理工具,在python的标准库中,有大量的工具,可以帮助我们完成高级文本处理. capwords()是将一个字符串中的所有单词的首字母大写. import string s = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.' print s print string.capw…
Thonny目前是 树莓派 上 默认的 Python 开发环境. 该 IDE 是 Institute of Computer Science of University of Tartu (爱沙尼亚 的 塔尔图大学 计算机科学院)开发的. 最近 yvivid 也体验了一下 Thonny 的开发环境,网站地址为 http://thonny.org/: Thonny 2.1.17 环境,自带 Python(目前最新版本为3.6.4,只有32位版本,暂时没有 64位的版本). 最大的感觉就是 简洁,界…
4 down vote accepted You misunderstood what \xhh does in Python strings. Using \x notation in Python strings is just syntax to produce certain codepoints. You can use '\x61' to produce a string, or you can use 'a'; both are just two ways of saying gi…
0.导语 本节为手撕代码系列之第一弹,主要来手撕排序算法,主要包括以下几大排序算法: 直接插入排序 冒泡排序 选择排序 快速排序 希尔排序 堆排序 归并排序 1.直接插入排序 [算法思想] 每一步将一个待排序的记录,插入到前面已经排好序的有序序列中去,直到插完所有元素为止. [代码实现] # 直接插入排序 def insert_sort(arr): length = len(arr) for i in range(length): k = i for j in range(k,0,-1): if…
一,摘自官方API https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#methods str.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) Return True if string starts with the prefix, otherwise return False. prefix can also be a tuple of prefixes to look for. With optional start, t…