The articles in this series are focused on individual Business Analysts and their managers. Global And Local Challenges Business…
Requirements Classification Schema… ThoughtWorks BA社区从2011年起就建立了BA书橱,根据大家的推荐选择了来自软件需求.商业分析.设计思维.软技能,以及敏捷精益方面的四十余本书. 在过去的4年中,大家也不断地反馈.持续更新这个书橱.现在,中国区的BA们结合自己的实践经验以及中国市场的特点,更新了这个书橱,并起草了我们第一版的BA读书雷达. 这份读书雷达主要涵盖4个方面:软件需求.商业思维.软技能和方法论,包括入门基础和高级延伸阅读的50余本书.…
No Competency Description BA Weight% PM Weight% 1 Business Analysis:BA   Track Maps   process flows, systems, procedures, interfaces etc. in business processes   relating to Line of Business. Spots new business opportunities through market   research…
Resume Name: Zhou Heng Gender: Male Email : Self Assessment: I have more than 8 years of business analyst and project management experience of various activities including requirement analysis, project estimation, project plan…   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…


Business Analyst Resume Name:  Zhou Heng Cell:  15821661982  Email : Self Assessment: Have 6 years of professional experience as business analyst role. I communicate directly with the client and gather details of requirement.…
这是一篇翻译稿,方便给不知道BDD的同学扫盲.原文链接:What is BDD (Behavior Driven Development)? | Agile Alliance Definition定义 Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a synthesis and refinement of practices stemming from Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven…
摘自 1.前言 互联网时代企业数据呈现爆发式增长,全面考验着企业的数据处理和分析能力.面对大容量.多样性.高增长的数据很多企业往往无所适从,除了耗费大量管理和存储成本外并没有给企业带来真正的价值,大量的数据堆积给企业带来了巨大的挑战.然而数据已经渗透到了企业内外各个层面,因此想要从庞大的企业数据中"掘金"就必须有信息化应用强有力的支撑. 近年来大数据.云计算.移动应用.社交等新兴技术风…
Adding a view to an ASP.NET Core MVC app 在 core mvc中添加视图 2017-3-4 7 分钟阅读时长 本文内容 1.Changing views and layout pages 修改视图和布局页 2.Change the title and menu link in the layout file 在布局文件中修改标题与菜单 3.Passing Data from the Controller to the View 从控制器向视图…
This week a customer called and asked (translated into my own words and shortened): “We do composite services, orchestrating two or three CRUD-Services to do something more useful. Our architects want to use your workflow engine for this because the…
一般来说,erp系统是一个以会计(此处的会计是指管理会计)为核心的信息系统,用来识别和规划企业资源, 从而获取客户订单, 完成加工和交付,最后得到客户付款,最终获得收入和利润. 实际上, erp 系统就是将企业内部所有资源整合在一起,对采购.生产.成本.库存.销售. 运输.财务.人力资源进行规划和优化,从而达到最佳资源组合,获取最高利润的行为. 如今, ERP 广泛应用于企业管理,对于现代企业而言, 已经没有哪个企业会问 “什么是 ERP ” 之类的问题, ERP 的运用能极大地改变了企业运作的…


Self Assessment: 1.        Skilled in developing with HTML/JavaScript/ASP.NET/C#, experienced in 3-layer system architecture. 2.        Have a good knowledge of J2EE platform, experienced in Java platform such as struts/spring/hibernate/ 3.        Ex…
本文转自: [This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.] The Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) is an adapta…
Assignment #4Course: ISA 414Points:100Due date: November 18th, 2019, before 11:59 pmSubmission instructions: this assignment is to be done individually. All youranswers should be in a single R script. Your code must be well formulated (i.e., noerrors… Course # Course Title Level 1.011 Project Evaluation Undergraduate 1.040 Project Management (Spring 2009) Undergraduate 1.040 Project Management (Spring 2004) Undergraduate 2.008 Design and Manu…
Tasks & executors relation Q1. However I'm a bit confused by the concept of "task". Is a task an running instance of the component(spout or bolt) ? An executor having multiple tasks actually is saying the same component is executed for multi…
Department Vacancies Total Skill Set Experience Language Oracle; OBIEE 3years English Systems Sr. Software Engineer 1 Andriod; Java; HTML 5years English Systems Sr. Specialist (Business Analyst) 1 Business Analysis; Communication 5yrs English & Japan…
Fisherface是由Ronald Fisher发明的,想必这就是Fisherface名字由来.Fisherface所基于的LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis,线性判别分析)理论和特征脸里用到的PCA有相似之处,都是对原有数据进行整体降维映射到低维空间的方法,LDA和PCA都是从数据整体入手而不同于LBP提取局部纹理特征.如果阅读本文有难度,可以考虑自学斯坦福公开课机器学习或者补充线代等数学知识. 同时作者要感谢cnblogs上的大牛JerryLead,本篇博文基…
What is EI? Enterprise Integration (EI) is a business computing term for the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and co-coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise. EI Levels Data Level Integrates and synchroniz…
Abstract Our dating site introduced scoring and its related functionalities innovatively, conforming to people's natural inclination to score people of the other sex, while other sites simply ignored. In addition, we use the 2012 Nobel Laureate El Ro…
/******************************************************************* *输出全国各省辖市下拉列表项writeCitys() *输出企业性质下拉列表项writeProperity() *输出工作岗位类别下拉列表项writeJobs() *输出行业类别下拉列表项writeCalling() *输出学历下拉列表项writeDegree() *输出更新时间下拉列表项writeUpdateDate() *Date:2004-06-28 *…
1 storm并行的基本概念 storm集群中的一个机器可以运行一个或者多个worker,对应于一个或者多个topologies. 1个worker进程运行1个或多个excutor线程.每个worker从属于一个topology. executor是单线程.每1个executor运行着相同的组件(spout或bolt)的1个或多个task. 1个task执行着实际的数据处理. 一个实际的例子: What Description Configuration option How to set in…
全文索引不同于常见的聚集索引或非聚集索引,这些索引的内部实现是平衡树(B-Tree)结构,而全文索引在物理上是由一系列的内部表(Internal tables)构成的,这些内部表称作全文索引片段(Fragment),每一个索引片段也叫做一个倒转索引(Inverted index),也就是说,每一个倒转索引都是由一个内部表(Internal Table)实现的. 有一些好奇的朋友可能会发问:“为什么一个全文索引是由一系列的倒转索引构成的,而不是一个?为什么叫做倒转索引,把什么倒转了?” 当新建全文…
1.开发工具:SpagoBIStudio_5.1,操作界面和使用方法和eclipse没差 安装参考:   2.创建项目和空白报表 2.1.file->new->project->SpagobiProject 2.2.在Business Analysis下创建文件夹,测试报表 2.3.在测试报表上面右键new->other->report 这样一个空白的报表就出现了. 2.4.打开outl…
    1 About DB Query Analyzer DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng,Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer'and Simplified Chinese version named   . DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Too…
1 About DB Query Analyzer DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng,Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer'and Simplified Chinese version named  . DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in…
How to generate the complex data regularly to Ministry of Transport of P.R.C by DB Query Analyzer 1 About DB Query Analyzer DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer' a…
     An universal algorithm design of fixed length substring locating Stringlocating is a very common operation not only in the SQL design but also in theclient development tools, in which functions are also supplied to realize thelocating operation,…
      Install and run DB Query Analyzer 6.04 on Microsoft Windows 10  DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer' and Simplified Chinese version named   . DB Query Analy…