slim.flatten(inputs,outputs_collections=None,scope=None) (注:import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim) 将输入扁平化但保留batch_size,假设第一维是batch. Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, …]. outputs_collections: collection to add the outputs. scope: Optional s…
slim.flatten(inputs,outputs_collections=None,scope=None) (注:import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim) 将输入扁平化但保留batch_size,假设第一维是batch. Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, …]. outputs_collections: collection to add the outputs. scope: Optional s…
您将获得一个双向链表,除了下一个和前一个指针之外,它还有一个子指针,可能指向单独的双向链表.这些子列表可能有一个或多个自己的子项,依此类推,生成多级数据结构,如下面的示例所示. 扁平化列表,使所有结点出现在单级双链表中.您将获得列表第一级的头部. You are given a doubly linked list which in addition to the next and previous pointers, it could have a child pointer, which m…