appium(3)-Running Tests】的更多相关文章

Running Tests   Preparing your app for test (iOS) Test apps run on the simulator have to be compiled specifically for the simulator, for example by executing the following command in the Xcode project: > xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator6.0//创建一个文件夹,存放…
To write tests for our React code, we need to first install some libraries for running tests and writing assertions. In this lesson we walk through setting up Mocha as our test runner and expect as our assertion library. We will also set up some Reac…
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone ran the tests before committing code? With ghooks, you can automatically add a githook when dependencies are installed which will allow you to define common scripts to be run at various points during git actions (like…
问题: I started using PyCharm with the robot framework, but i'm facing an issue. how can i run my tests ? All the time i right click on my tests folder, i get an Empty test suit message from the console log. Is there anyway to run each test separatly l…
Testing your AngularJS application on multiple browsers is important, and Protractor offers this ability through the multiCapabilities configuration option. Learn how to use this option, as well as configure your e2e tests to run on only a single bro…
Appium is a test framework targeting devices; although it is very handy and powerful, it is not so straightforward and easy to install. Furthermore, the documentation (IMHO) does not provide a good tutorial to get things working as fast as possible.…
Appium 1.6.3 在Xcode 8 (真机)测试环境搭建经验总结 关于 Appium 1.6.3 在Xcode 8, 1真机上环境搭建问题更多,写此文章,供大家参考,让大家少走弯路. 在开始iOS真机测试之前,请大家务必 将 Appium 1.6.3 + xcode 8 在iOS模拟器上的环境搭建OK,请参见我的上一篇博文:Appium 1.6.3在Xcode 8, iOS 10.2(模拟器)测试环境搭建经验总结 如果iOS模拟器上的环境OK,再来真机上搭建,要不然 你还是放弃吧. 进入…
最近工作中想要做自动化回归测试,想法是将每个测试用例都做自动截图,然后将最近的稳定版本和当前测试的版本的两张截图去对比,也要将两个版本的截图都放到测试报告中方便人工来进行验证.最初想法是通过HTMLTestRunner生成带截图的测试报告,但是HTMLTestRunner本身没有截图功能,还有它不支持python 3,所以另外找了其他的工具来做这件事. 生成测试报告工具简介 HtmlTestRunner是将单元测试的结果保存为html格式的测试报告的工具,这个工具的功能和HTMLTestRunn…
Automating mobile web apps If you’re interested in automating your web app in Mobile Safari on iOS or Chrome on Android, Appium can help you. Basically, you write a normal WebDriver test, and use Appium as the Selenium server with a special set of de…
Android Only These Capabilities are available only on Android-baseddrivers (like UiAutomator2for example). appActivity Activity name for the Android activity you  want to launch from your package. This often needs to be preceded by a .  (e.g., .MainA…