使用Gradle进行安卓编译时,出现如下错误: Could not get unknown property 'release' for SigningConfig container. 原因: 在主module下的buildTypes{}中使用使用了signingConfig signingConfigs.release,但是由于粗心,将signingConfigs{}放到了buildType{}的后面,导致编译的时候无法找到,当然还有一种可能,那就是signingConfigs{}中真的没有…
错误提示: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema. - configuration.module has an unknown property 'loader'. These properties are valid: object { exprContextCritical?, expr…
webpack 编译时提示 ValidationError: Invalid options object. Less Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema. - options has an unknown property 'modifyVars'. These properties are valid: object { lessOptions?, pre…
今天调试安卓程序遇到的问题Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f 主要是图片格式的问题,图片要用png格式的,直接修改图片格式会报这个错误无法调适…