uva 10929 - You can say 11】的更多相关文章

#include <cstdio> using namespace std; ]; int main() { while(gets(in)) { ] == ] == ) break; ; ; ; i++) { s += ('); s *= ; s %= ; } printf(s == ? "%s is a multiple of 11.\n" : "%s is not a multiple of 11.\n", in); } ; } 第二种思路不错,多想…
Cellular automata are mathematical idealizations of physical systems in which both space and time are discrete, and the physical quantities take on a nite set of discrete values. A cellular automaton consists of a lattice (or array), usually in nite,…
Your task is to write a program that can decide whether you can nd an arithmetic expression consisting of ve given numbers ai (1 i 5) that will yield the value 23. For this problem we will only consider arithmetic expressions of the following from: (…
6741870 ksq2013 UVA 11205 Accepted   60 C++11 5.3.0 1002 2016-08-04 14:25:22 题目大意如下:给定n个LED灯串,每个灯串由p个LED灯构成,并给出每个灯串当下的状态,需要让所有灯串中规定的某些灯灭掉,询问最少剩下几盏正常的灯可以让我们分辨出LED灯原先代表的数字. 思路如下:正难则反.既然不可能一个个判断灯串所代表的符号,那么就只需判断若灭掉一些灯之后,n个灯串中剩下的亮灯是否有两组相同,若有,则分辨不出.因为灭掉的灯的…
Lucy and Lily are twins. Today is their birthday. Mother buys a birthday cake for them. Now we put the cake onto a Descartes coordinate. Its center is at (0;0), and the cake's length of radius is 100. There are 2N (N is a integer, 1 N 50) cherries on…
/*Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : localhostSource Server Version : 50136Source Host : localhost:3306Source Database : ben500_info Target Server Type : MYSQLTarget Server Version : 50136File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2013-07-11 10:07:33*/ SET…
题意: 放一堆排,每放一张,有pa的概率让左边的全倒,有pb的概率让右边全倒 问在最优策略下,最少要放几张才能摆放出n张 1<=n<=1000 题解: 这题应该还是很经典的 首先是期望部分 我们通过枚举最后一步,来分割序列 很容易知道中间的点应该要放1/(1-pa-pb)次 那么左边倒的次数就是pa/(1-pa-pb)次 这样dp方程就很简单了 dp[i]=min((dp[ls]*pa+dp[rs]*pb)/(1-pa-pb)+dp[ls]+dp[rs]) 发现朴素的是n^2的 性质1: 单峰…
UVA - 11404 Palindromic Subsequence 题意:一个字符串,删去0个或多个字符,输出字典序最小且最长的回文字符串 不要求路径区间DP都可以做 然而要字典序最小 倒过来求LCS,转移同时维护f[i][j].s为当前状态字典序最小最优解 f[n][n].s的前半部分一定是回文串的前半部分(想想就行了) 当s的长度为奇时要多输出一个(因为这样长度+1,并且字典序保证最小(如axyzb  bzyxa,就是axb|||不全是回文串的原因是后半部分的字典序回文串可能不是最小,多…
UVA - 1025 A Spy in the Metro Secret agent Maria was sent to Algorithms City to carry out an especially dangerous mission. After several thrilling events we find her in the first station of Algorithms City Metro, examining the time table. The Algorit…