Installing — pylibmc 1.2.3 documentation】的更多相关文章

Installing - pylibmc 1.2.3 documentation libmemcached…
记得去年4月份的时候,为公司部署测试环境和UAT环境时,在红帽RHEL6 64位系统安装ORACLE 10g 64位数据库时遇到了许多小问题,当时匆匆忙忙也没记录一下这些问题,前几天在虚拟机安装ORACLE 64位 10g时,又有一些常见问题又遇到了,顺便整理一下这篇文章.也许在RHEL6 64版本上安装64位Oracle 10g 的问题是最多的,估计很多人都被这个虐过无数次(很多人都是Oracle虐我无数遍,我待Oracle如初恋).从网上搜索关于这方面的内容就可见一斑.好,废话少说,正式进入…
luaunit Luaunit is a unit-testing framework for Lua, in the spirit of many others unit-testing framework. Luaunit let's you write test functions, test classes with test methods and setup/teardown functionality. L…
Overview Zephyr applications use the nrf52_pca10040 board configuration to run on the nRF52 Development Kit (PCA10040) hardware. It provides support for the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832 ARM Cortex-M4F CPU and the following devices: NVIC SYSTICK UART…
前面我们使用 Prometheus 采集了 Kubernetes 集群中的一些监控数据指标,我们也尝试使用 promQL 语句查询出了一些数据,并且在 Prometheus 的 Dashboard 中进行了展示,但是明显可以感觉到 Prometheus 的图表功能相对较弱,所以一般情况下我们会一个第三方的工具来展示这些数据,今天我们要和大家使用到的就是 Grafana. Grafana 是一个可视化面板,有着非常漂亮的图表和布局展示,功能齐全的度量仪表盘和图形编辑器,支持…
Installing NLTK NLTK requires Python versions 2.7, 3.4, or 3.5 Mac/Unix Install NLTK: run sudo pip install -U nltk Install Numpy (optional): run sudo pip install -U numpy Test installation: run python then type import nltk For older versions of Pytho…
1.打开终端 2 移除现有 Ruby 默认源 输入以下指令 $gem sources --remove 3.使用新的源 输入以下指令 $gem sources -a 4.验证新源是否替换成功 输入以下指令 $gem sources -l 5.安装 CocoaPods $sudo gem install cocoa pods //–––––––––––那么问题来了——没遇到的自动跳过———————————… I described in an earlier post the problems I was having installing and configuring FIM 2010 R2 SP1 on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and if you've h…
转自: First, Centos 5.8 ships with gcc 4.1.4, but to compile libv8 you need 4.4. Luckily, this step is easy: $ yum install gcc44-c++ Next, you need to tell the build to make u…
In this post I will describe the process of installing OpenCV(both versions 2.4.2 and 2.4.3) on Debian Linux (especially Debian-6). After installing, we will do some tests to verify the installation and also see some examples. As I was trying to inst…