TypeScript 3.7 RC & Nullish Coalescing null, undefined default value https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-7-rc/#nullish-coalescing let x = foo ?? bar(); // Again, the above code is equivalent to the following. let x = (fo…
注:本文提及到的代码示例下载地址 - Runnable sample to introduce Typescript 2.0 RC new features 作为一个Javascript的超集, TypeScript是微软继C#后最受人瞩目的明星语言, 日前TypeScript2.0候选版已于八月底发布,正式版也很快很快的要出来了. 废话少说,使用TypeScript 2.0候选版(RC)的第一步,你需要先下载 TypeScript 2.0 RC for Visual Studio 2015 (…
https://javascriptweekly.com/issues/471 #471 — JANUARY 17, 2020 READ ON THE WEB JavaScript Weekly Babel 7.8.0 Released — The popular JavaScript transpiler now supports ECMAScript 2020 features by default with no plugins needed for nullish coalescing…