Omi, Raymondo, Clay and Kimiko are on new adventure- in search of new Shen Gong Wu. But EvilBoy Genius Jack Spicer is also there. Omi and Jack found the Shen Gong Wu at the same time so theyrushed for it but alas they touched it at the same time. The…
题目 UVA11383 Golden Tiger Claw 做法 \(KM\)好题啊,满足所有边\(l(x)+l(y)≥w(x,y)\)(个人理解,如不对请及时留言),这样能满足\(\sum\limits_i^n(l(x)+l(y))\)最小值 My complete code #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const LL maxn=1e3,inf=0x3f3f3f3f; LL n,mi;…
题目 题目传送门: 分析 最近刚刚学了二分图,然后来了一个这样的题,看完题意之后,稍微想一想就能想出来是一个二分图,然后就是裸的板子解决.没什么难的. 代码 #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #define ll long long using namespace…