eclipse中写入sql插入语句时,navicat中显示的出现乱码(???). 在修改eclipse工作空间编码.navicate中的数据库编码.mysql中my.ini中的配置之后还是出现乱码. 然后把mysql.navicate全部卸载,下载新版本. 再重新配置mysql中,因为新建data里面有文件出现“initialize specified but the data directory has files in in.Aborting.” 接着删除data里面的文件,修改my.ini…
启动MySQL5.7时报错:initialize specified but the data directory has files in it. Aborting 解决方法: vim /etc/my.cnf 查看文件,寻找datadir=... 查看到:datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data, 这个是data保存目录. 进入/usr/local/mysql/data后,查看到确实有数据: 将/usr/local/mysql/data备份, cd /usr/local/my…
$ vi /etc/my.cnf ## datadir=/var/lib/mysql, 这个是data保存目录,进入/var/lib/mysql后,查看到确实有数据. #解决方法:将/var/lib/mysql备份,然后重新启动mysql. $ cd /var/lib/ $ cp mysql mysql.bak $ service mysqld restart…
删除mysql的/var/lib/mysql目录下的所有文件 # mysqld --initialize --user=mysql[root@localhost cyx]# cp /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.bak[root@localhost cyx]# vim /etc/my.cnf[root@localhost cyx]# cd /var/lib/mysql /v…
出错版本: mysql 5.7 why? yum 安装数据库时候,默认数据存放目录为 /var/lib/mysql,然而这个目录下有数据 way? 进入 /var/lb/mysql 目录下清空该目录下数据文件…
1.[ERROR] --initialize specified but the data directory has files in it. Abort [错误] -初始化指定,但数据目录中有文件.中止 解决方法:将数据目录下已存在的文件全部删除.如:rm -rf /data/mysql/* 重新初始化: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/data/mysql…
删除 *.ini 文件中的datadir=“....”目录下的文件,即可.…
运行环境:windows10数据库版本:mysql.8.0.12安装方式:rpm包直接安装 问题描述:mysql初始化的时候找不到对应的数据库存储目录 报错代码: 2018-10-13T03:29:24.179826Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] D:\Program Files\MySQL\bin\mysqld.exe (mysqld 8.0.12) starting as process 7420 2018-10-13T03:29:24.205939Z 1…
转载: Change the default MySQL data directory with SELinux enabled This is a short article that explains how you change the default MySQL data directory and adjust SELinux to account for the changes. The article assumes that y…
16 How To Move a MySQL Data Directory to a New Location on Ubuntu 16.04 PostedJuly 21, 2016 62.1kviews MYSQL BLOCK STORAGE STORAGE UBUNTU UBUNTU 16.04 Introduction Databases grow over time, sometimes outgrowing the space on the file system. You can a…
For example, change mysql data directory from /var/lib/mysql to /var/data/mysql Step1: Copy the /var/lib/mysql to new name /var/lib/mysqlnew cp -prvf /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysqlnew sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf  Looking for: datadir = /var/lib/mysql Ch…
Warning:The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the 'mysql' or '_mysql' 这应该是某种情况下导致/usr/local/mysql/data的宿主发生了改变. 解决方法:打开终端运行 sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data 即可. mac 下运行  sudo chown -R  _mysql:wheel  /usr/local/mysql/data . -c 显…
背景知识: 如果表不指定文件位置,它会保存到 data/database_name/table_file;其中data在你指定的安装目录下,为了提高IO我们尽可能的 用到多个硬盘的IO能力,这个就需要把表保存到不同的磁盘上了: 方法 1. create table Table_Name(.....) data directory = 'absolute path to directory' create table T(X int ) data directory = 'E:\DB'; '…
14.5.5 Creating a File-Per-Table Tablespace Outside the Data Directory 创建一个File-Per-Table Tablespace 在Data Directory 外面: 创建一个新的 InnoDB file-per-table tablespace 在一个指定的位置在MySQL data 目录之外, 使用 DATA DIRECTORY =absolute_path_to_directory 子句 提前计划位置, 因为你不能使…
错误如下: Warring the /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the 'mysql' or '_mysql' user 这应该是某种情况下导致/usr/local/mysql/data的宿主发生了改变. 解决方法:终端输入: sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data 或者 sudo chown -R _mysql:wheel /usr/local/mysql/data 参数说明: -c…
Mac OS X的升级或其他原因可能会导致MySQL启动或开机自动运行时   在MySQL操作面板上会提示“Warning:The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the 'mysql' or '_mysql'”, 这应该是某种情况下导致/usr/local/mysql/data的宿主发生了改变, 只需要运行“sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data”即可 mac 下面运行 “sudo ch…
直接拷贝完好的data至pg目录底下,可能引起下面的错误:说data目录权限不是700.FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgres/data" has group or world access DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700). 而如果用initdb命令建立的data目录,其权限会自动变成0700…
一.Mac OS X的升级或其他原因可能会导致MySQL启动或开机自动运行时 在MySQL操作面板上会提示“Warning:The /usr/local/mysql/data directory is not owned by the 'mysql' or '_mysql' ”, 这应该是某种情况下导致/usr/local/mysql/data的宿主发生了改变, 只需要运行“sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data”即可 mac 下面运行 “sudo c…
springboot 表单体积过大时报错: The multi-part request contained parameter data (excluding uploaded files) that exceeded the limit for maxPostSize set on the associated connector. 修改springboot接受参数的大小 #设定Httppost数据大小 server.tomcat.max-http-post-size=102400000 #…
Creating file-per-table tablespaces outside the data directory 一. Data Directory 1.应对情况 当数据库所在空间不足的时候,通过新增一块磁盘,如何将新建的表放到新建磁盘,就可以用到MySQL的Data Directory 2.使用Data Directory条件 1)InnoDB引擎 2)开启innodb_file_per_table或者在建表时加上此参数 二.操作测试 1.查看数据库版本与表空间目录 2.操作系统新…
Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: The multi-part request contained parameter data (excluding uploaded files) that exceeded the limit for maxPostSize set on the associated connector 最近项目中用到…
配置段容器的类型 相关模块 core mod_proxy 相关指令 <Directory> <DirectoryMatch> <Files> <FilesMatch> <IfDefine> <IfModule> <Location> <LocationMatch> <Proxy> <ProxyMatch> <VirtualHost> 主要讲解 <Directory>…
为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>   Stop MySQL using the following command: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop Copy the existing data directory (default located in /var/lib/mysql) using the following command: sudo cp -R -p /var/lib/mysql /newpath edit the MySQL conf…
Recently we were building a Shiny App in which we had to load data from a very large dataframe. It was directly impacting the app initialization time, so we had to look into different ways of reading data from files to R (in our case customer provide…
Security problems is more and more important on the internet today. You can see the problems . This chapter is really exciting, you can learn serveral ways of attacking the web application and the method to protecting the websites. Somehow, you can b…
This chapter reveals that you can use files and databases together to build PHP application that waash in binary data. The application needs to store images. Firstly, we should use the ALTER statement to change the structure of a database. ALTER TABL…
exif-js/exif-js: JavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata exif-js - npm <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8&quo…
这个问题比较龟毛. 我的系统在4.0.4上一直调试好好的,到了2.2的系统居然fail.能检查的地方全部检查过了,居然不行. 最后仔细差了一遍,居然是由于/data目录的属性是777导致.ndk-gdb要求771 解决办法很简单了,进入adb shell,执行chmod 771 /data,一切ok.…
sudo chown -RL root:mysql /usr/local/mysql sudo chown -RL mysql:mysql /usr/local/mysql/data sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start…
example in file a, data is [1 , 2, 3; 4,5,6] file b, data is  [4,5, 6; 7,8,9] average=0.5 (a+b) matlab code n=; a=[]; b=[]; c=[]; % for loop :n filename=sprintf('output_%d.dat',i); fileinfo = importdata(filename);,); % extract colu…