Link: Central Admin Central Admin > Application Management Site Collections > Specify quota templates Edit an existing template and choose Personal Site. Chang…
原文网址: Android 4.4上蓝牙协议栈采用的是BRCM和Google共同开发的bluedroid,代替了之前的Bluez. 一. Bluetooth 源码分布 (基于Android 4.4 ) 1.  packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/bluetooth      bluetooth Settings 代码 2.  packages/apps/…
Communication with ROS through USART Serial Port We always need to communicate with ROS through serial port as we have many devices like sensors, touch-screen, actuators to be controlled through USART serial protocol. After some investigation, I foun…
<基于Arm实验箱的国密算法应用>课程设计 结题报告 小组成员姓名:20155206赵飞 20155220吴思其 20155234昝昕明 指导教师:娄嘉鹏 设计方案 题目要求:基于Arm实验箱的国密算法应用 三种平台: Z32 ARM32+Linux STM32 内容: SM1, SM2,SM3算法测试 算法应用:混合密码系统 设计方案及可行性分析 运行老师给的范例代码,熟悉开发软件和开发板的使用:收集资料简单了解Z32,ARM的基本概念,然后实现ARM与Ubuntu映射文件.成功编译并运行代…
文档信息 目        的:搭建一套完整的OpenLDAP系统,实现账号的统一管理.                     1:OpenLDAP服务端的搭建                     2:PhpLDAPAdmin的搭建                     3:OpenLDAP的打开日志信息                     4:OpenLDAP与migrationtools实现导入系统账号的相关信息                     5:OpenLDAP客户端…
开发时候采用slickupload控件都没问题,项目发布到IIS时发生了错误: Could not contact SlickUpload request progress handler at /SlickUpload.axd 经过半天排除从头看了遍官网文档终于发现是由于IIS配置的问题,由于发布采用了II7而配置则是II6的配置 以下是官方文档摘要 system.web/httpModules & system.webServer/modules To allow SlickUpload t…
老师的一个项目,需求如下: 1)arcgis版本使用9.2: 2)需要发布一个数据入库服务,第三方调用这个服务,就可以将“水窖”点位数据存入到服务器数据库中的“水窖”图层: 3)入库前需要检查“水窖”点位数据的合法性: a.水窖点位是否在合理的区域内:水窖在县城范围内: b.水窖编号的唯一性:水窖编号和数据库中的水窖记录编号不存在重复. 本项目中数据入库服务是通过ArcServer进行发布,由于考虑到开发时间和开发成本,数据入库服务不采用Web Service调用AO方式. 决定使用GP服务来实…
持续集成环境(Hudson)搭建 这是在公司写的,公司要求用英文,我也没时间翻译了.还请见谅! Hudson是个非常强大持续集成工具,配合svn,maven,sonar,redmine工具就更加完美了.大家要了解Hudson的介绍可以看这篇文章,我在这里就不详细介绍了.此外额外说下,由于Hudson被oracle收购后以前开发Hudson团队转移到了jekins.大家有兴趣可以google下.   Build Hudson Continuous Integration Environment G…
前言: 以前学习基础知识的时候总看别人写的入门文章,但有时候还是一脸懵逼,直到自己用心阅读了MDN的英文文档才对基础知识的一些理论有了更深的理解,所以我在边阅读文档的时候边记录下帮助比较大的,也方便大家简洁学习.建议英文不好的同学可以先看我之前学的中文版基础知识再来学习这篇英文整理.Service Worker基础知识整理 Service worker concepts Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit betwe…
欢迎大家围观. Important notes (changes that may break existing code)         ======================================================           * Updated transport stream version to 508 to support transporting other TValue            based data than interfac…
官网地址: 官方说说明: ODAC 18c Release 1 ( Installation Instructions, Setup, and Notes November 2018 Download includes the following products: a) Oracle Developer Tools…
11 out of 19 rated this helpful - Rate this topic Published: December 17, 2004 The following Netsh commands can be used in scripts or at the command line to configure Windows Firewall for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic when executed from the netsh firewall co…
立志踩遍所有的坑...以下是学appium遇到的坑以及解决方案,方便自己的同时,也方便他人. 一.cmd输入:aapt dump badging C:\Users\XX\Desktop\xxx.apk  会提示dump failed because no androidManifest.xml found 原因分析:apk文件的路径太深... 2个解决方案: 把apk文件放到短路径文件夹 先cd  C:\Users\XX\Desktop,然后执行aapt dump badging xxx.apk…
Understanding REST and RESTful APIs If you've spent any amount of time with modern web development, you will have come across terms like REST and API. If you've heard of these terms or work with APIs but don't have a complete understanding of how the…
When user want to set Delegates for a user of a mailbox, the user meet below error. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Error Message: Solution: Check user mailbox location, local mailbox or office online mailbox. Check mailbox location. Method is same as previo…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under oneor more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE filedistributed with this work for additional informationregarding co…
虽然天天在用,但是没有系统的学习过,总觉得别扭. 只能用于Java项目. 约定: repository  翻译成 仓库 build 翻译成 构建 build system 翻译成 构建系统 build server 翻译成 构建服务器 central (repository) 翻译成 中央仓库--指maven官方仓库 配置: MAVEN_OPTS 环境变量:该变量包含了用于启动执行Maven的JVM,可用于为全局的Maven提供额外的配置.例如,JVM 内存设置:-Xms256m -Xmx512…
Django 1.6 最佳实践: 如何设置django项目的设置(和部署文件(requirements.txt) 作者: Desmond Chen,发布日期: 2014-05-17, 修改日期: 2014-05-18 在Django 1.6中的settings.py中可以修改130多项设置, 但大多数都继承自默认值. 设置是在web服务器启动时首次载入的, 服务器重启时重新载入, 因此, 程序员们应尽量避免修改正式服务器上使用的settings.py文件. 以下是一些我们…
Lab 8 Manage Network Settings Goal: To build skills needed to manually configure networking Estimated Duration: 45 minutes System Setup: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux System using DHCP networking Lab Setup: Disable the DHCP service on server1. Sequence…
建议阅读知识:  这是关于档案权限,用户,组等的问题.介绍的很有意思. 1. Install vsftp service download from the official website and build it from source if necessary :) on ubuntu you could use apt-get install vsftp 2. vsftp s…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding…
settings.xml配置 原文 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional inf…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding…
1. User Level. ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml 2. Global Level. ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml <settings> localRepository interactiveMode offline pluginGroups proxies servers mirrors profiles activeProfiles </settings> <?xml version="1.…
指定jdk 的版本: <profile> <id>jdk-1.8</id> <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> <jdk>1.8</jdk> </activation> <properties> <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source>…
maven 完整的settings.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional…
原文地址 在Maven中提供了一个settings.xml文件来定义Maven的全局环境信息.这个文件会存在于Maven的安装目录的conf子目录下面,或者是用户家目录的.m2子目录下面.我们可以通过这个文件来定义本地仓库.远程仓库和联网使用的代理信息等. 其实相对于多用户的PC机而言,在Maven安装目录的conf子目录下面的settings.xml才是真正的全局的配置.而用户家目录的.m2子目录…
首页 新随笔 联系 管理 国内阿里Maven仓库镜像Maven配置文件Maven仓库速度快   国内连接maven官方的仓库更新依赖库,网速一般很慢,收集一些国内快速的maven仓库镜像以备用. 最新更新:2016年11月11日 18:05:40 阿里云提供Maven私服,我把配置文件贴一下,自己放在maven的conf下就行,setting.xml <…