Linq Join Group by 时报Nullable object must have a value. 例如: from s in subject on ch.SubId equals s.SubId join gc in (from aq in question group aq by aq.ChapterId into gaq select new { Id = gaq.Key, Count = gaq.Count(), }) on s.QueId equals gc.Id into…
代码: public class Person { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } } public class Dog { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int PersonID { get; set; } } public class Dog…
c# 一直是一门好用的语言,但是像linq这种骚操作实在是记不住.特此记下以备后用. var ls = from c in db.T_ProductReturnEntity join s in db.T_SubProductReturnEntity // inner join on c.F_ID equals s.F_PID // join 字段 orderby c.F_CODE,s.F_RowID // 排序字段 select new // 查询实体 { product = c, sub =…
还是习惯先撸一段SQL * FROM User_Pic P AND P.Guid = R.UserPicGuid ORDER BY PicSize DESC 然后发现Linq中的join不能多条件... 结果找到解决方案如下 ; var pic = (from p in db.User_Pic join r in db.R_User_Pic on new { _guid = p.Guid, _id = ID } equals new { _guid = r.UserPicGuid, _id =…
MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ &0000022─╄OvЁ MXS&Vincene MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ:今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但是绝大部分人是死在明天晚上,只有那些真正的英雄才能见到后天的太阳. MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ:We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here? 正文>>>>>…