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ConCurrent in Practice小记 (3) 高级同步技巧 Semaphore Semaphore信号量,据说是Dijkstra大神发明的.内部维护一个许可集(Permits Set),用于发放许可和回收许可,存在内部计数器,主要用来计数能否得到资源(一般用来限制同时访问资源数).当一个线程拿到许可,计数器减一:当线程释放资源则计数器加一:当计数器为0则阻塞线程. 特别地: Semaphore的同步锁机制仅仅用于对访问许可的同步,对于需要访问对象的池等的同步锁并不保证.如一个线程池需…
Java-ConCurrent2.html :first-child{margin-top:0!important}img.plugin{box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.1);border-radius:3px}iframe{border:0}figure{-webkit-margin-before:0;-webkit-margin-after:0;-webkit-margin-start:0;-webkit-margin-end:0}kbd{border:1p…
ConCurrent in Practice小记 (1) 杂记,随书自己写的笔记: 综述问题 1.线程允许在同一个进程中的资源,包括共享内存,内存句柄,文件句柄.但是每个进程有自己的程序计数器,栈和局部变量. 2.安全问题:线程不安全本质上是由于单线程在在从共享内存或者文件中取得自己的资源后,在寄存器处理器缓存等地方对于线程外部是不可见的;因此当变量再次读取或写入到内存或者是文件中后就会产生冲突. 3.活跃性问题:即因为资源占用错误而是的程序无法得到正确的结果,典型如死锁.饥饿.活锁. 4.性能…
ConCurrent in Practice小记 (4) Executors Callable && Future <T> Callable:此接口有一个call()方法.在这个方法中,必须实现任务的(处理)逻辑.Callable接口是一个参数化的接口.意味着必须指明call()方法返回的数据类型. Future:也是一个接口,用来保证Callable对象结果的获取和管理. Executors一般接受一个Callable对象,返回一个Future对象.可以取消任务,也可以查看任…
It is probably because Willow was the last link to her parents and a pastime that goes back to her own childhood. It really does feel like the end of an era. 这很可能是因为Willow是她与父母最后的联系,也是一种对自己童年娱乐消遣的追溯.这真的感觉像是一个时代的终结. probably 英 ['prɒbəblɪ] 美 ['prɑbəbli…
"Nearly one in five job ads for China's 2018 national civil service called for 'men only' or 'men preferred,' while major companies like Alibaba have published recruitment ads promising applicants 'beautiful girls' as co-workers," 近五分之一的2018年中国国…
Huawei has not been accused of wrongdoing. As an administrative subpoena, the Treasury document does not indicate that the Chinese company is part of a criminal investigation.华为现在并没有被指控有不当行为.作为一种行政传票,财政部的这份文件并不能指明这家中国公司涉嫌犯罪调查. accused [ə'kjuːzd]  美 […
"WeChat does not store any chat histories. They are stored only on users' phones, computers or other devices," Tencent said in a statement on its own WeChat account.腾讯在其自己的微信账号上发表声明称:微信没有存储任何聊天记录,它只是存储在用户的手机.电脑或者其他设备上. histories 美 ['hɪstəri] n.…
Two years at sea have fostered a close relationship between the two fellow sailors as they cross the globe, through warm weather and cold. 两年的环球航海生活,跨越温暖与寒冷的地带,使这两位水手一样的伙伴变得亲密无间. fostered  英 ['fɒstə]   美 ['fɔstɚ] vt. 培养:养育,抚育:抱(希望等) adj. 收养的,养育的 n. (…
If there’s one thing New Yorkers love more than discovering a new secret remedy, it’s telling other New Yorkers about it.与发现新的秘方相比,纽约人更热衷的事情是去和其他人分享秘方. remedy 英 ['remɪdɪ]  美 ['rɛmədi] vt. 补救:治疗:纠正 n. 补救:治疗:赔偿…