SoapUI. The Swiss-Army Knife of Testing. Whether you’re a tester, developer, business analyst, or manager, SoapUI has something for everyone. From the perspective of non-technical people, you may be more concerned about these : Associate Test Require…
Link: soapUI: Properties I wanted to jump into a survey of the various test steps in this post, but quickly realized that an explanation of properties was nec…
cd %WORKSPACE% cmd /c call "%SOAPUI_PRO_HOME%\bin\testrunner.bat" -a -j -PprojectPath="%WORKSPACE%" -f"%WORKSPACE%\result-output" -R"TestProjectReport" -FHTML -I AA_Regression_Accuracy_Static.xml 或 rem set SOAPUI_HO…
1.查看dblink select owner,object_name from dba_objects where object_type='DATABASE LINK'; 或者 select * from dba_db_links; 2.创建dblink前提: 创建dblink的用户有对应的数据库权限 create public database link 或者create database link 可以使用 grant create public da…
一.背景 最近在家里捣鼓一个公司自己搭建的demo的时候,发现程序一启动就会出现CommunicationsException: Communications link failure错误,经过一番排查最后发现是数据库url写错造成的,这个过程中也对出现这个错误的解决思路有了一些自己的理解,现和大家分享.该错误的具体信息如下: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure…