kbmMW 5.07.00试用笔记】的更多相关文章

在kbmMW 5.06.20试用笔记中遇到的问题,在这个版本中,基本都解决了.但还是发现修正后存在的小问题及新问题: 1.Resolve返回值错误 当提交的ClientQuery是执行一条sql语句,如Insert,当发生错误时,如主键重复,则Resolve无法返回正确的结果.具体情况就是在客户端显示异常信息. q1.Query.Text:='Insert into t1 (fid,fname) values (''1000'',''aaaa'')'; //q2.Query.Text:='Ins…
1.kbmMWConfiguration自动备份配置文件的问题还没有修正. 下面是以前写过的内容,再一次在新闻组中提出这个问题: kbmMW提供一个强大的配置信息管理对象,前期译过这个对象的介绍,在使用过程中,发现一个问题, 就是TkbmMWCustomConfigurationStorage.BackupMaxCount属性,当设置为0时,也会生成配置信息的备份文件,在最新的kbmMW 5.05.11版本中,每运行一次就生成一个配置文件,对此,修正了代码. 打开单元文件 kbmMWGlobal…
来了来了 5.07.00 Dec 9 2018           Important notes (changes that may break existing code)         ======================================================           * Renamed misspelled TkbmMWInfTNRG64 to TkbmMWInfTRNG64 and ditto for 32 bit.           …
经过漫长的等待,支持移动开发的kbmmw 4.40.00 终于发布了,这次不但支持各个平台的开发, 而且增加了认证管理器等很多新特性,非常值得升级.具体见下表. 4.40.00 BETA 1 Oct 28 2013 New stuff        =========        - Added properties Cancel:boolean, UniqueID:string,      UniqueCallID:string, RequesterNodeID:string and    …
CentOS 7 mini 试用笔记 安装过程中,网卡是默认关闭的,要手动打开. 安装好以后,查看IP地址:# ip addr----------------------1: lo: 本地回环2: eno16777736: 网卡13: eno33554960: 网卡2 设置网卡1的静态IP地址:# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777736-----------------------BOOTPROTO=dhcp修改为BOOTPROTO…
We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW Professional and Enterprise Edition. Yet again kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be capable of in the real world! Keywords for this release: - New memory debugging/leak detect…
kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server andenterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework forWin32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux,Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many othe…
原生.高效.可扩展.跨平台通信库来了. we are happy to announce v5.06.00 BETA of our popular middleware for Delphi and C++Builder. If you like kbmMW, please let others know! Share the word! We strive hard to ensure kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier prod…
新年前最后几天,kbmmw 发布了新版本,增加一大波功能.we are happy to announce v5.05.50 of our popular middleware for Delphi and C++Builder. If you like kbmMW, please let others know! Share the word! We strive hard to ensure kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier…
kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server and enterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework for Win32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux, Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many o…